Chapter 56

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"Can you pass the remote?" Jack asks with his mouth full of popcorn. He lays sprawled out on the sofa with his head in my lap. I am resting my legs on our coffee table.

"You forgot to say the magic word." I remind him in a sing-song voice. Jack just wrinkles his eyebrows at me, not copying. "Ever used the word please before?" I ask ironically.

"Oh." Realization covers his face.

"Please?" He smiles up at me.

"Much better." I grin and reach over to grab the remote. However I don't give it to him, instead I start zapping between the channels.

"What are you doing?" Jack looks up at me.

"Looking for something good to watch." I answer while keeping my gaze on the tv.

"But I asked for the remote." Jack points out puzzled.

"That is correct." I agree mischievously.

"Exactly, so give it to me." Jack holds up his hand and stares at me with an annoyed expression.

"Nah, I want it." I tell him with a smile.

"Sarah." Jack warns.

"Jack." I mimic.

"You don't want to do this."

"Actually I think that I do." I challenge him with a grin.

"You can either give me the remote freely or I will take it by force, either way I will have it." He says determined, but his eyes are playful.

"Oh I am sure you will." I say unconvinced.

"Give me the remote, this is your last chance."

I answer by starting to switch channels again, ignoring him.

"Alright that is it." In one swift move Jack is up next to me and reaching for the remote. I am holding it out of his reach, while giggling like a nutcase.

Before I can react, Jack has me pinned down on the sofa and is tickling me like a maniac.

"Stop!" I breathe between the laughs.

"Will you give me the remote?" Jack asks, unable to keep the laughter in any longer.

"Hell no!" I squeal and receive another attack of tickles.

"No! Stop!" I scream and try to wriggle myself free.

"Not until you surrender!"

"Never!" I bravely counter, which was a really stupid thing to do.

Jack continues to tickle me and I try to tickle him back, but he gathers my wrists in one of his hands. Jack is much stronger than me, so there really isn't much I can do. Except for one thing...

Jack's head is very close to mine and I can easily reach out to make them collide. Swiftly I bring my lips to his and strokes my tongue against his bottom lip. At first he is surprised, but it doesn't take long before his lips part and our tongues meet. They entwine with each other and our hands are all over the place.

Starting to feel a bit overwhelmed I break free and gasp for air. Jack only continues his way down, along my throat. I let out a giggle as he tickles me with his tongue.

"Thank god that Karen is out of the house," he mumbles against my skin and continues his way down.

I hum approvingly. "Yes, but she spends too much time at her work." I say with a frown.

"Well, the more she is out, the more we can be together without having to be secretive."

"That is true." I nod and bring my head to the same level as his.

We lay on the couch and continue our fumbling with each other, like the two horny teenagers we are.

I break free from his lips after some time. "I think we should continue this upstairs." I mumble against his jaw and give it a nibble.

Jack grins sexily and meets my gaze. "Why not just do it on the sofa?" He asks and slowly kisses me, he gives my underlip a bite when we pull apart.

"Here?" I breathe lightly while my insides do a roll.

"Oh yes," he growls seductively. "Here."

Before I can answer him, a new hot make out session begins and I am at loss for words. It is not like I can use my tongue anyways, it is highly occupied with kissing Jack.

Slowly my hands start to travel up under Jack's shirt, along his abs and I stop to marvel at the touch. I think I never will get used to how fit Jack's body actually is. As my hands travel higher and higher up, so does the shirt and in the blink of an eye I pull it off him.

Jack smirks at me. "Eager are we?"

"Maybe a bit." I smirk back and drag my hands along the front of his chest over to his back.

"You have a very nice body, it is kind of insane..." I remark with a frown.

"I know, baby." Jack says cockily and I roll my eyes.

"Your confidence never seem to amaze me." I tell him dryly, but kiss the corner of his mouth. The last thing I want is to start a fight over something silly, especially now when it is going so well for us.

"Oh, but you like it, don't you?" Jack smirks cockily.

"I sure do." I agree with a happy sigh and bring my fingers to his cheek.

"Are we ever taking this a step further? Or are we forever going to stay at the -let's have sex when no one is around- stage?" I ask caught up in my thoughts and stroke my fingers over his cheek.

"If I remember this correctly we just recently came to that stage and you are already tired of it?" Jack raises his brow amused. "Imagine all the places we could sneak around, trying to not get caught."

I am not kidding when I tell you that his face just got ten times brighter and I can't help but laugh.

"Imagine all the places I could do you on," he huskily remarks and I suddenly start to cough instead of laughing.

Jack grins pleased, but it soon turns wicked instead. "Actually we are starting right now, on this couch."

Before I know it, my lips are sealed with his again.

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