Chapter 32

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"How soon is soon?" I ask. Trying to break the spell I am in. It is very hard coping with the fact that him and I are currently discussing when we are to have sex.

"I don't know, a week." His grin grows wider and my belly buckles. I am not sure if that was a question or a statement.

"A week?" I squeal.

"Too soon?" He lifts his brows.

"Uh yeah..." Duh?

"Okay fine, I give you two weeks." He considers this as if we were talking business.

"You give me two weeks?" I repeat in disbelief. "Who do you think you are?"

The words are out before I can stop them. Jack raises a brow and looks slightly amused.

"I am the guy that you can't resist, so sooner or later you will come to me and when you do..." Jack gives me a dreamily expression and I blush. Christ, could he be more embarrassing?

Strolling over to me, he strokes my bottom lip with his thumb.

"You want me, don't try to deny it." His voice is low and seductive and I practically melt under his touch.

"I never have." I point out with a weak voice. "I just told you to give me some time and a week is not time."

"Two weeks."

"Big difference." I mutter against his thumb.

"When it comes to you, oh yes... very big difference." Jack purrs and leans closer, stroking his thumb rhythmically along my lip. "Staying away from you is hard you know," he mumbles thoughtfully, his dark, brown eyes are clouded.

"I don't want you to stay away." I answer him quietly and give him a shy smile.

"Oh really?" His smirks and runs his nose down mine; our lips are inches from each other.

"No." I mumble and snatch my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me. At first, Jack doesn't move, then he slowly parts his lips and answers my kiss. Carefully his arms find their way around my waist, dragging me nearer.

"Why didn't you answer my calls or texts?" I ask him after we pull apart.

"I was mad at you."

"For rejecting you?" My voice is dripping with sarcasm, how dare he be mad at me? If anything I should be mad at him.

Jack's lips twitch as he tries to suppress a smile. "Exactly."

"You do know that is completely ridiculous?" I try to sound casual, but it comes out dryly.

"I know," he frowns at my tone.

"I could never reject you, Jack." My voice is barely a whisper and I hesitate as I say the words. They are true though. Jack's eyes widen and then he smirks, looking pleased.

"Is that so?" Oh he is definitely pleased. Embarrassed, I blush.

"Don't be embarrassed, I wouldn't be able to stay away from you either." His voice mirrors mine and he gives me a little smile.

"Honestly?" I ask smiling back, feeling joyous.

"Yeah, honestly," he chuckles and strokes my cheek. "Then again you told me to take it slow," he starts and pulls away from me.

I try to hold him back, but he wriggles out of touch. Immediately I am filled with a longing after his touch.

"So I guess there is no more of this." Jack's eyes are cold and looks challenging at me. I just stare at him.

What in the world? Is he joking?

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because you rejected me and then you have the nerve to call me ridiculous," his voice is flat.

"You agreed on that." My voice is barely a whisper; he just gives me a cold smile in return. Dead serious.

Oh my god...

He played me. He doesn't think that it was a ridiculous behaviour at all and the only reason he said so was so that I would admit my feelings towards him.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask horrified. He is actually playing me.

"Baby, you just admitted that you can't say away from me. Just how crazy do you think I will drive you by staying away from you?" A little smile plays on his lips and I frown at him.

"I can manage," I try to sound confident, however it almost comes out like a question.

"Sure you can," he rolls his eyes and my frown gets deeper.

"Do you want to play this game? Lets fucking play!" Angrily, I walk pass him and bump his shoulder on the way. I am boiling inside.

Entering my room, I slam the door shut after me and throw myself onto my bed.

He wants to stay away? Fine I don't need him! He is a jerk and a player. Right now I feel like pushing him down the stairs, oh the satisfaction that would bring me.

Even though I feel like this, there is a weird ache in my belly. An ache of longing and need. An ache that makes me sick and angry with myself, since when did I become so needy? Truth is I want to be with Jack, I enjoy it, however I will not let him treat me like this. It is as if he is punishing me for telling him to slow down or, if I shall use his words, "rejecting" him.

What a load of bullshit.

Suddenly my door opens and Jack appears.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask angrily and stare at him. Jack doesn't answer; instead he walks over and flips me on the bed, so that I am lying on my back. Then he bends down and I realise what he is going to do, still my reaction is too late. Grasping my chin, he brings his lips to mine.

Oh my.

He has never kissed me like this before. It is passionate, heated, hungrily and full of need. At first I keep my mouth shut, but he urges my lips apart with his tongue. Without any real struggle, I meet his tongue. My hands find their way into Jack's hair and one of his claps around my neck. The kiss deepens and Jack groans against my lips, making my stomach twitch in a really good way. Then all of a sudden, Jack pulls apart.

"You couldn't stay away for very long." I point out, catching my breath as I gaze up at him from the bed.

"I was only saying good night," he grins and leans down again. "Night, baby."

He kisses me one more time, but moves away when I try and sneak my arms around him again. With a chuckle, he turns around and exits my room. Leaving me breathless and wanting in my bed.

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