Chapter 5

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Some weeks pass by without Jack and me trying to kill each other, much to my mother's satisfaction. The satisfaction is not long lasting though, since Jack and I barely speak to one another. And when we do we just fight. I tell him he's a jerk and he calls me a brat.

We haven't mentioned that weird night when Jack obviously turned me down. I tried being friendly with him, but he just gets angry and becomes even ruder. I don't know what I have done wrong, not that it matters.

What matters is that I am going to have to put with him for a whole year. I might as well jump off a bridge. Just thinking of all the gossip that will be spread on the first day of school and for the rest of the semester makes me want to puke.

Thankfully my friends finally have come back from their vacations. Both Sam and Keira arrived yesterday, even though they weren't on the same trips. However, they've been to busy to actually see me.

Seated in my usual spot by the kitchen table I twirl my spaghetti around and around, grumpily thinking about Sam and Keira. I'm trying to keep my gaze as far away from Jack as possible ever since that awkward night where I accidentally stared like a maniac at him.

"Honey, are you listening?" Mum asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh?" I blur out, looking up from my plate. Both mum and Jack are watching me. Jack's eyes are filled with amusement.

Mum gives me an irritated look. "You weren't listening."

"Sorry." I mumble and continue poking around in my spaghetti. "You were saying?" I ask, looking up again.

"I was saying that I won't be home this weekend. I have work business to be done with and will be gone from Friday to Sunday morning. I leave tomorrow at four." She informs me and I freeze.

That's almost three days alone with Jack. The thought makes me dizzy and I steady myself against the table.

"Three days mum? You sure it's smart being away that long?" I ask and look at Jack.

"You got something to say?" Jack drawls.

"Maybe I have." I bite back.

"Cut it out." Mum snaps and we turn silent.

"Unfortunately for both of you, this is not something that I can rearrange. Now I want you two to behave and I don't want to know anything about you getting into more fights with each other." She continues sternly.

I might have hit Jack on purpose last week after he called me a stuck-up, worthless brat and he kind of kicked me on the leg. I don't want to know what might have happened if mum hadn't stopped us.

I smile sweetly. "Sorry, mum, I can't promise that he will be in one piece when you get back." I say and gaze over at Jack, who gives me a pretend smile.

"Jeez, now I am scared." He mocks with big eyes.

"You should be."

"Enough!" Mum says loud and we both look at her. She is furious. "This has to stop! Either you two start acting your age or you are both grounded for the rest of this school year," she threatens and my jaw drops.

"You're not my mother." Jack says ice cold.

"No, Jack, but I am your guardian and therefore you will do as you are told. Now you two better behave this weekend or the tables will surely turn." Mum snaps and then picks up her plate.

"You are not going to eat?" I ask her.

"I lost my appetite." She mutters and exits the kitchen.

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