Their families

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" How is your first day?", asked Bo reum, welcoming Sulli back from the mansion.

" It's suck..", said Sulli throwing herself into the bed.

" Why? You did errors alot since the first day??", asked Bo reum.

" No.. It's not like that.. It's all because of that arrogant head man..", said Sulli hitting the pillow.

" Head man? Who is he?", asked Bo reum.

" Our head man, Kim Kai.", Sulli answered rolling her eyes.

" Kim Kai? He's the one who Mr. Choi always talks about, right?".

" Yes.. But he's totally out of my imagination..", said Sulli.

" Why? Is he too ugly?", asked Bo reum.

" No... He's handsome as an idol.. But..", then Sulli told her all about what happened between them two.

As soon as Bo reum heard their first encounter, she laughed out of her heart. " You two are really childish..".

" Unnie! He's the one who being childish.. .. Arggh! Stop talking about him! The more I think about him, the more smoke come out of my ears..", said Sulli and threw the pillow to the wardrobe beside the bed.

" I'm going to shower.", said Sulli getting out of the bed.

" Ok, then.. If you've done, come to downstairs for dinner..", said Bo reum.

" Ok.", then she walked towards into the bathroom.

After getting the comfortable dress on, she took the bag to take her phone. But sonething blue caught her attention. She found a sky-blue handkerchief in her bag. She took it out and looked at it carefully. She was sure that it was not hers, so whose? There was also a capital letter 'K' at an edge of it.

Suddenly, she remembered that Kai put his handkerchief in hr bag.

" Oh.. So this is his? .. Argh! Annoying..", then she threw it on the table. But she was the one who picked it back and folded it neatly. She doesn't like things messy and dirty in her room. She put it into her bag again murmuring, " I'll give it back to him, tomorrow.". Then she went downstairs for dinner.

" Omma, I'm home!", Kai finally reached his house after a long, tired day.

" Oww.. Take a quick shower and come out for dinner.", his mom, Lee Mi Sook, yelled a bit from the kitchen.

" Yeah.", then Kai headed to his room. Their house was just one-storey house, korean traditional house.

When he came out of the room, he saw his elder sister, Kim Mi Rim, coming out of her room, dressing more than causal.

" Where are you going, Noona?", Kai asked.

" I still need to work.", Mi Rim answered.

" Noona, you're working all the day. Please stop working like a robot. You need to spend your spare-times with Soo An..".

" I need money.. If I don't work, who takes the responsibilities of my life and Soo An's..?", asked Mi Rim.

" I'm here.. We can still live and eat with my salary..", Kai insisted.

" I don't like to depend to the young. You're my younger.. how can I rely on you? Besides, my body is still fine, I can still manage to work.", then she sighed.

" I'm out.. Take care of Soo An when she comes back..", she left.

Yeah, his sister, Kim Mi Rim, has hunger for money. And this hunger caused a big trouble in her life. She got married to a rich man who is in the same age with her. But finally, she got cheated by him. Because of her hunger, all she could get was a divorce with her husband and a daughter named Soo An.

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