A pair of shoes

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After 3 years later,

Finally, he is here, standing on the way to the house, where his loves are. Kai stepped towards directly to his house, with the bag on his shoulder.

On the way, he saw a boy who seemed in about 3 years old. He was sitting on the swing alone in the playground. And he was looking at him. Kai smiled at him as he walked towards the kid.

He bent down to reach his level as the boy looked up to him, " What are you doing here alone?", Kai asked to the kid.

" I'm waiting for Appa.", he answered as he smiled. Kai smiled and sat at the swing beside him.

" Do you want to eat this?", he handed him a candy.

But the kid refused, " My Omma told me not to eat what the strangers give.", he asked looking at him.

" Oh.. You're a good kid.", he said as he ruffled his hair. " Where did your father go until you have to wait here in this early?", he asked.

The kid pouted shaking his head, " I don't know..".

Kai loves kids. If their baby didn't die, he or she would be like this kid. " Then why are you even waiting for?", he asked.

" My mother said he would come back for sure.", he answered. Kai smiled and nodded.

" What is your name?", asked Kai.

" Kim Taeoh..", the kid answered.

Kai nodded, " Who is your father?", he asked, maybe, he knew his father because this place is where he was grown up.

" His name is Kim Kai.", as soon as the kid uttered that name, he felt like the world stopped. His name is rare, there is almost none of this kind of name anymore in this place.

" Taeoh.", his thoughts were cut off when a male voice called the kid's name.

" Uncle!", the kid got down from the swing and ran towards that person. Kai turned his head to look at who it was.

Then he heard, " Hyung?", and he saw Yugyeom carrying the kid in his arms.


Mi Sook who just came out of the kitchen to prepare the breakfast table for the family, was so shocked when she saw Kai was standing at the door beside Yugyeom and Taeoh.

He had changed, many until she couldn't believe her eyes. Her son got more mature as if he met many trouble in abroad. Kai smiled at her that made her to walk towards him with the unbelievable steps.

" Is that you? It's really you, right?", she asked as her eyes filled with tears of joy.

" Yes, Omma.. I'm finally here.", he smiled. Mi Sook held his face with both of her hands and hugged him like he's a little boy. Kai smiled and hugged her back.

" Omma, is--", Mi Rim who just came out of her room stopped her words when she saw them hugging at the door.

" Kai..", she smiled with the sadness of joy and went to joined the hug. Her younger brother is back.

" Granny. Taeoh is hungry.", at the middle of the missing, the kid exclaimed. They all turned to look at Taeoh who was in the arms of Yugyeom.

They broke the hug and Mi Sook wiped her tears away while smiling. " Alright.. I'll prepare the chicken porridge for you.", as soon as her words were uttered, Kai looked at his mother. Chicken porridge, it was the dish when he used to eat for the breakfast when he was young.

The kid said he is the father and he could sense it from his behaviors. Even their faces are similar, even the strangers would think they were father and son just with the look.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now