Smile again

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Sulli came out of the bathroom after changing into the dry clothes, she was still in the hospital.

" Are you sure it's ok if you don't change? ", she asked when she saw Kai still in his wet clothes.

" .. Yeah.. I'm ok.. I can't fall sick easily.", he said drying his hair with a towel. An awkward silence passed through them like a cold wind. They didn't know what to say, they couldn't even look at each other.

Kai glanced at Sulli and found her hair was still wet so, he grabbed a towel, but at the same time, Sulli grabbed that towel. They looked at each other awkwardly, waiting each other to release the towel.

" I'll do it..", said Kai and so Sulli pressed her lips into a thin line and let the towel go. Kai took the towel and walked to the front of her. He covered her head with the towel and started wiping the water off, gently. None of them didn't even parted their lips for the words.

" Don't do like that again.. Promise me not to be stupid like earlier again..", Kai finally broke the silence wall between them.

" .. No.. Promise me first.. not to leave me again..", said Sulli. Her words caused him to stop his hands on her head. He thought for a while staring at the window pane which he was facing. But finally, he started to move his hands over her hair without letting her to hear what she wanted.

Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, that caused his hands to stop for the second time. Her head was resting on his belly, since he was standing, while she was sitting on the bed.

" Now.. I'll never let you go again.. because you love me..  like I do..", she said without breaking the hug. She looked like a kid who was bothering her parents to care for her. Kai looked down her, to his abdomen level. He raised his hands slowly to hold her head gently, stoking her cold hair.

" .. I promise..", these words were slipped out of his lips, after hestitating many times. A smile formed on her lips when she heard what she wanted, like a kid got an candy what she wanted.

Kai looked at Sulli who was already sleeping peacefully at the passenger seat, in his car. Sulli asked him to take her back home, so they met the doctor and asked to discharge.

He sighed and focused on the road again.

' .. I want to try once.. I'll try .. Even if we can't, I'll try to be together with you.. I'll never let you go again, Sulli.. Let's face the infelicities together..' , he said in his mind while his eyes were fixing at the red light.

Kai got out of the car and went to the passenger seat, opened the door and carried her with bridal style. He pressed the button 13 at the elevator, when the door was opened, he entered.

As soon as they got into the apartment, he headed to her room, still she was in his arms. He laid her on the bed, took off her shoes and coat, and covered her body with the warm blanket.

He then went out of the room to put her shoes outside. He then went inside her room again. At that time, he saw Sulli sitting on the bed, rubbing her eyes with her hand. She was still half sleeping.

" You awake? .. I'm sorry.. I tried my best not to wake you up..", he said walking towards her.

" What time it is?", she asked with her sleeping voice.

" 1 A.M.", as soon as he answered it, he sneezed. Sulli finally opened her eyes wide and looked at him, he was still in his wet clothes, although it was dried already, he must be cold. She got up from the bed and walked towards her wardrobe. He sneezed again so, he took the tissue from the tissue box on her nightstand.

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