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Kai and Sulli were now sitting on the bench, Kai's hand was hugging her shoulder, Sulli's head was leaning on his shoulder, she closed her eyes.

" Are you ok, now..?", Kai asked with his soft whisper.

" .. Inn.. ", she still closed her eyes, she felt really warm in his embrace. It felt like a lullaby for her night. No doubt, she's already addicted to his embrace, arms, warmth.. and she was longing his presence all the time. He can give all what she needed...

" ..Why don't you ask the reason of my crying..?", Sulli asked breaking the silence of cold night.

" I don't think it's needed.. I don't want to force you to tell me.. I'm enough just for that I can be with you at this moment.. Thanks for giving a space for me in your heart.. Thanks for remembering me earlier..", he said, smiling.

" .. Thanks for coming..", Sulli said.

" I can be always there for you.. So please call me whenever you need a shoulder to lean on.. whenever you need a listener to bare your heart.. Like now..", Kai tightened his hug, Sulli smiled.

A calm silence pregnanted between their peaceful moment.

" .. Sulli.. is it really your mind..?", Kai asked, in the middle of the silence.

" .. What is it?", she still closed her eyes and still felt his scent, warmth.

" .. You said.. you missed me.. It's really?", he asked, his heart was beating for her answer. Sulli finally opened her closing eyes but she didn't still answer his question.

" Sulli..", her name came out from his lips.

" Yes.. It's true.. It's my mind.. I really missed you..", said Sulli although she felt shy for that. Kai smiled and kissed her crown deeply, leaning a sincere smile from the girl.

" Sulli!", Sulli looked back to the place where the voice came from. She saw Minhyuk. She was on her way to the office, but Minhyuk, what was he doing here?

" Are you fine?", Minhyuk asked as soon as he could reach her.

" . Yes.. Thanks for that time.. I can be dead if not because of you..", said Sulli, smiling.

" Then, treat me a meal later..", said Minhyuk, joking.

" Yeah..I'll do it.. By the way, why are you here?", Sulli asked.

" Oh.. Yuna called me to come.", he replied with no secrets, Sulli nodded in realization.

" Since when you've known Yuna?", she asked.

" Since she started to move the Canada.. I'm her neighbour.. but we stayed like siblings...", said Minhyuk.

" .. Ah.. You might take good care of her..", Sulli feels admired to Yuna, eventhough she was in the foreign country, she had people who were there for her.. But for Sulli, she had no one beside her.

" I can take good care of you too.", said Minhyuk, smiling, that caused Sulli smiled either.

" Thanks just for the words..", Sulli smirked positively.

" I'm serious.. I can take care of you..", he said again.

" Ok. Ok.. Thanks, Minhyuk.", said Sulli, still smiling.

" Oppa.. ", he filled her sentence.

" Yes?", Sulli titled her head in confusion of his word.

" I said I'm 3 years older than you..", Minhyuk said.

" Ah.. Yes.. Minhyuk.. oppa..", Sulli wanted to laugh off after calling 'Oppa' , this was her first time to say that word.

Her eyes landed on a person who was walking from the opposite path of them. Kai walked towards them wearing his grimace. He stood by the side of Sulli and held her hand. Minhyuk smirked at his reaction.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now