If I can

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Kai grabbed his phone from the nightstand when the ring disturbed his rare sleep.

" Alright.. Alright.. I'm getting up now..", he answered the call with his sleepy voice without waiting the words from the other line.

" What are you talking about, Kai?", the voice of Mi Rim came out from the other line. Kai finally opened his eyes when he didn't hear the familiar voice which he used to hear every morning.

" .. Ohh.. Noona.. What's up?", he asked after a short silence.

" I want to tell you to bring Soo An to the school since I didn't come back last night.. I can't come back now either .. So bring her to the school when you go to work..", said Mi Rim.

" .. Alright.. I'll..", Kai said sighing.

" Ok, thanks.. So, bye!", then she ended the call. Kai put the phone back on the nightstand again and laid back on the bed.
Actually, he thought the call was from her.. because she used to give the morning call to wake him up.. It had already been about a week that they officially broke up. But he still didn't get to live without her...


" Hello..? ", Kai answered the call with his closing eyes.

" Wake up now...", Sulli said from the other line.

" Sulli.. Why are you calling at this early?", he asked.

" You need to wake up early since waking up early in the morning is good for our health.. Wake up now and do some exercises.. ", said Sulli.

" Ahh.. What? .. I don't want to.. I always wake up at 7:30.. Not 7:00.. So I'll hang up now.. I need to sleep next 30 mins.. Ok? So see you in the company..", he tried to end the call and drifted into his sleep back.

" No. You've to wake up. Don't be lazy.", Sulli didn't give up easily.

" So use another way to wake me up ..", Kai smiled alone.

" Which way?", she asked.

" Tell me.. that you love me.", he said.

" What? Yah.. It's no bussiness with now.", she said.

" Tell me or I won't get up.", said Kai.

" ..Well.. ... I love you... It's enough? So get up now.", she said. Kai smiled when her sweet voice passed into his ear.

" Tell me again..", he said.

" No. I don't want to. Ahh.. Stop now and get up.", she said.

Kai smiled and said, " Ok.".

" I'll give the morning call from now on.. So don't be lazy anymore and be diligent..", said Sulli.

" Alright.. .. I love you too..", he gave the kiss sound on the phone before ending the call.

Flashback end

Sulli looked herself in the mirror.. How she looks so miserable... Where is her smile now..? Where is her happiness now..? Where is ... he..?

She pulled her hair into a messy bun and sloshed the water onto her face. After finishing cleaning, she wiped her face with a towel. Then she went to the kitchen to take her breakfast. Her way stopped when she saw a handkercheif on the dinning table. His handkercheif...

When she went to the kitchen to have her dinner last night, but she ended up staring at this handkerchief 'K' without eating. She grabbed it and headed to the garbage can. She stepped on the thing which can make the can open. She tried to put the handkerchief into the can but...

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