Not a mistake

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" .. Yuna..", Sulli tried to break the silence while Yuna and she were at the dinning room, alone.

" Hmm?", her sound seemed happy after seeing Kai in the company, in the same group.

" .. How do you know .. Kai?", finally Sulli managed to ask that question which had been bothering her all day.

" Ah.. That.. We attended the same highschool..", said Yuna, smiling.

" Oh.. So you two are schoolmates..", Sulli nodded in realization.

" Why are you asking me suddenly?", asked Yuna.

" .. It's just .. because you're calling him, his name, .. frriendly..", said Sulli.

" Oh.. It's because I always used to call him like that..", said Yuna and got up from her spot.

" I'm leaving first..", Sulli nodded, then Yuna left to upstairs.

Sulli let out of a heavy sigh and leaned her back against the chairback. The moment that Yuna treated Kai more than a work partner kept appearing in her eyes like a ghost. She rapidly shook her head to erase the overthoughts, " It's none of your business, Choi Sulli. You don't have to care whatever they are...", she warned herself.

Then she got up from her seat and went to her room, but she came out again after taking her coat. It was around 8 p.m. Sulli felt suffocated in the large, lonely mansion. So she left after deciding to have a walk in the streets, under the moonlight.

Kai had been sighing since when they had started to have the dinner.

" Kai, what's bothering you..?", being his mom, Mi Sook can read his expression well.

" .. Nothing..", Kai dropped the chopsticks down and got up.

" Why? .. You don't eat anymore?", Mi Sook asked.

" Yeah.. I have no appetite..", said Kai.

" Yah, Yugyeom, lend me your bike for a hour.", said Kai.

" Why? Where are you going?", Yugyeom complained.

" Just around.. I'm leaving.", then he left without waiting for any replies.

Kai had been biking around, not only around his place, he went everywhere he could. He needed to relax his gloomy mind. He didn't expect to meet her again after he had succeeded to forget her... But now, Yuna came back into his sight after two years of her departure.

When he roamed around an unfamiliar street, a girl caught his attention. No doubt, it was Choi Suli, the girl who keeps doing his dead heart flutter.

" What are you doing here, alone, at this late?", he whispered after approaching near near.

" Omo!", Sulli almost jumped out because of his sudden appearance.

" Are you trying to kill me?", Sulli asked pressing her chest with her palms.

" .. Sorry.. What are you doing?", asked Kai.

" I'm just walking around my---", Sulli was too careless, she was about to tell him, 'around my house' ...

" --friend's house.", she lied, fortunately, Kai bought her lies.

" You live at your friend's house?", asked Kai.

" ..Yeah.. I live for tonight..", she lied again.

" What about you? .. What're you doing here? And with this bike?", Sulli quickly changed the subject.

" Ah.. I'm just biking around to relax myself.. You know biking is a kind of exercise..", said Kai.

" Ah..", Sulli nodded.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now