Warm Embrace

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" No. 1 member is Jung Eunji.", as soon as her name was announced, Eunji came into the meeting hall, carrying a figure which was wearing her dress. She removed the black sheet to reveal her blue cutton dress. She explained everything about her dress to the hosts. After her dress, another girl showed her dress and followed what Eunji did, explained about her dress.

" No.3 is Seo Yuna.", Yuna carried the figure and stepped inside the room. She removed the black sheet which was covering her pink design. Kai got shocked as soon as he saw her design, and Sulli, who was standing at the backstage, got terrible after seeing the dress, which was totally similiar with her design. She looked at her dress and found the designs are definitely the same. Actually, she noticed that the design paper was lost but she thought it was because of her clumsiness, so she drew it again. But now...

What to do?

She couldn't stand and show her design like nothing weird happened. Kai was totally in shocking, he was sure he saw that design in Sulli's. But now, why was it Yuna's ? .. That design was the one which could catch his attention, so he remembered it easily.

His mind immediately went to Sulli .. What would happen to her? .. Since Yuna had described that design first, people could think Sulli copied Yuna's design. It's impossible.. He was sure Yuna's the one who copied it, not Sulli.

Sulli quickly ran towards her work room and took another dress which she made after the pink dress. She did it just to compare with her pink dress. But now, she left no choice, she had to change her design for the contest.

When it arrived Sulli's turn, she seemed like nervous than usual, she felt tired both physically and mentally. Kai felt relieved a bit when he saw Sulli's design, but he still didn't feel staisfied to Yuna.

" So the winner is Seo Yuna, No. 3.", it was the final result. Sulli lowered her head and sighed secretly. Choi Cheol Ho gave the prize to Yuna with a bunch of flowers.

" As the words, Seo Yuna'll be the leader of Design group from tomorrow onwards.. And.. Kim Kai'll be the vice-president of 'The Angel'..", said Cheol Ho.

" Congratulation, Seo Yuna.", Mr. Choi gave a handshake to her.

" Thanks.", Yuna smiled widely.

" I promise I'll try to be the best leader from now on.. and I'll try to imitate Mr. Kim..", she looked at Kai, but she caught Kai was staring at Sulli.

After her speech, the others clapped for her. Cheol Ho immediately left the hall as soon as the contest had ended. Sulli already knew that her dad was totally frustrated on her.

" Sulli, let's go for lunch..", said Eunji.

" No.. Go ahead.. I've no appetite...", said Sulli.

" You ok? .. You look so pale..", Eunji concerned.

" I'm fine..", said Sulli and smiled faintly to her.

" Ok, if you say so.. So I'll go with them.. If you feel hungry, follow us, Ok?", said Eunji.

" Yeah..", Sulli nodded.

After they had left, Sulli tried to focus on the work again. After a while, Kai came out of his room, today was the last day for him to work in that room. He headed to Sulli's worktable without hestitation.

" Sulli..", Kai called her name.

".. Yes, Mr. Kim? What do you need?", her formal speaking made Kai hurt right in his heart.

" .. The design.. which Seo Yuna described is yours, right?", he asked. Sulli looked at him shockingly, how did he know that..?

" Right, Sulli?", he asked again.

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