First Love Again

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Whenever she saw Taeoh being happy with Kai, she wanted to feel worried. But instead, she feel happy and smiled looking at them. Slowly and slowly, she was forgetting the fact that Taeoh isn't her son. Day by day she thought they were the real family.

" See? They are happy..", Mi Sook said looking at her son and grandson playing, with a smile.

Sulli smiled, " Taeoh really wanted the father since little.. I'm at least glad for Taeoh because he is back..".

Mi Sook turned to look at Sulli who was smiling beside her, " You loved him, didn't you? Then.. try to forgive him..", she said. Her smile got wiped away by sudden sadness that hit her heart.

She nodded, " Yeah.. I did love him.. Maybe, I still love him.. But forgiving him isn't easy as much as saying.", she said. Mi Sook could understand her daughter-in-law. No matter what, Sulli had sacrificed much just because she loved Kai. Richness, family, beauty, freedom, innocence. All. She had to let all of the properties go just because of him. But what did she get back from him? Nothing except Love. And pains didn't even need to be told, they are the main what she got from him the most.

" It's nice to see the people I love is happy..", Sulli smiled once again as she witnessed Kai lifted Taeoh up into his arms and swirled.

" But.. I think of this many times..", she murmured and turned to look down on the ground, " What if .. What if Yuna came back? I wondered all would be ruined at that time. No. Maybe, only I would get ruined?", she smiled painfully.

" It would never be in our future, so don't worry.. In this family, I only accept two daughters-in-law. The one is who we still don't know, who the youngest son will fall in love with.. And the next is you. As the place of Kai's wife, there would be no one but you..", Mi Sook said.

The younger smiled, " I'm Taeoh's Omma, right?".

" Of course. Who else?". Yuna only gave birth to Taeoh and Sulli took the role of mother since Taeoh was born. She made milk and fed the kid, even though she's not mother. She sang the lullaby for him while letting him fall asleep in her arms. Whatever the fate said, she is his mother that kept him alive.

Mi Sook got up from the swing as Kai and Taeoh walked towards them. She opened her arms so that the kid could run into her. " Our Taeoh had fun with Appa?", she asked to the kid as she lifted him up.

" Yeah.", the kid nodded with a grin.

" Ok. Now, shall we go for the shrimp soup?", she said.

" Yeah. It's good.", the kid clapped with the giggles. Sulli just smiled and so did Kai.

Mi Sook turned to look back to her son and his wife, " We'll leave first. You two can come back later, have a time together after a long time.", she said with a smile. Both Sulli and Kai knew it that their mother wanted them to reconcile.

" Let's go, Taeoh!", then she left with the kid in her arms.

Kai looked at Sulli who was gazing at Taeoh with a smile who was about to disappear from their sight. " You do love him a lot, right?".

She looked up to him and smiled slightly, " Yeah.. There aren't even enough words to describe it.. Taeoh means more than my life..".

He smiled and walked to take the swing beside her where Mi Sook sat a while ago. He turned his head to look at her who was looking up to the sky. She's still the same. The same girl who he has fallen in love with. Nothing got changed even after many years. And he wished her love for him didn't change as well.

" Don't you really want to say who is Taeoh's father?", he asked that made her look at him.

" Yeah..", she answered in hmm sound. How could she mention a man that doesn't even exist in the imagines?

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