First Tear

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Kai sat down on his swivel chair, in his office. He looked at his palms which just touched her, held her tightly.

" What just happened..?", he murmured himself.

" And.. why I feel that kind of feeling in here..?", he asked himself while his hand was on his left chest.

" .. By the way... why she looks so pale..? .. Maybe, she's sick?", his heart pounded again when the sence flashed into his mind.

He let out a heavy sigh and leaned the backrest of his chair. His fingers ran through his hair and closed his eyes.

" What's wrong with me..? .. Mind yourself, Kim Kai.. She's just a girl likes others.. Nothing more..", he warned his hallucinated heart.

Sulli came back to the company after having her lunch. She cursed herself because of the stares and glares from others in the company. She couldn't stop blaming herself for being clingy to Kai like that. All of the people, why him...? .. But no matter what, it wasn't his fault, but hers...

As soon as she entered their office, she received the same weird looks from her co-workers. But she tried to ignore them and took her seat.

" You really made a big mess..", Eunji started to attack her. Sulli bit her lower lip and tried not to pay attention to her. But her next sentence made Sulli even forget to breathe.

" Now, you two hugging photos are spread on the homepage of our company..", Sulli averted her eyes to the girl beside her.

" What do.. you mean..? .. Are .. you serious..?", she stammered.

" I'm serious.. Wait.. I'll show it..", then Eunji took her phone out and started searching the news.

" Here.", Sulli took the phone nervously. Right... Eunji was right... The photos of her and him hugging in the middle of the hall. Although her face was hid in his chest, it was too obvious, her dad were sure to know it.

" Our head man is one of the higher-ups of the company.. How can people miss his news easily..? Especially this kind of news..", said Eunji. Sulli gave her phone back and stared at the monitor of her laptop deadly.

" Are you two really dating?", asked Eunji curiously.

" .. No..", Sulli replied in whisper.

" Eeee.. Don't deny it anynore.. You two are really obvious.. Just admit it..", said Eunji.

" I said No!", said Sulli almost shouting, gaining attention from all.

Even Kai's attention, he looked at her through the glass wall. He already saw the news and it gave him a huge headache. .... How would they solve this problem..?

When the worktime ended, Sulli left the company with the glum expression. She was afraid to make her way to home. How could she go back home like nothing happened. It was sure her dad would curse her like the last time. Even if she would explain about the truth, her dad wouldn't believe her. So she didn't dare to go back home.

The only way she chose to go was the bar where she usually goes. Besides, she promised Yugyeom to come to his show. One fact, she's the person who never break her promises, most of the time.

" Samchom, let's go to the show..", Soo An started to bug to Kai.

" Soo An.. It's just a show, nothing interesting..", Kai said. He was not in the mood now because of the case in the company.

" But Yugyeom Samchom will perform..", the kid didn't give up.

" Right, Kai.. Let's go.. You can send us to the show and then you can go anywhere if you want..", said Mi Sook, their mom. She wanted to watch his son's performance.

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