We're Nothing

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" What's matter?", Sulli asked Bo reum, when they were in her room.

" Ssul.. You know Ms. Oh wants the company?", Bo reum asked.

" .. Yes.. I notice it unintentionally..", said Sulli.

" You can give the company to strangers, easily?", Bo reum asked again.

" No way.. I know how Mom and Dad tried to establish it... I can't easily lose it to others..", said Sulli.

" So you should be careful about them.. I don't think Seo Yuna's return is simple.. She entered the company purposely.. That means they are starting their steps.. You should prepare to face them from now on..", said Bo reum.

" Do I need to do that much? ... No matter what, she's Dad's wife.. I don't think she'll betray on Dad..", said Sulli, she still wanted to believe them.

" Don't be too nude, Ssul.. She married to Mr. Choi not because she loves him, but because of money..", said Bo reum.

" .. So what do you want me to do..?", Sulli felt like suffocated in that situation.

" Don't let Yuna over you.. If she's over you, it'll hard to drag her down again.. Then you'll lose all..", said Bo reum.

" .. I got it.. I'll try my best to protect the Choi Empire.", said Sulli and lied on the bed.

Bo reum sighed and got up to leave, but before she left, " .. Oh, Ssul... You.. do you have a boyfriend now?", she asked without any connections.

" What?", Sulli immediately emerged from the bed.

" You seems happier in these days.. And you become calm than before.. I have ever heard that girls can change when they meet love.. So I asked you like that..", said Bo reum.

" No way.. I don't have..", Sulli insisted, it was true, Kai wasn't her boyfriend.

" Ok.. If you say so..", Bo reum didn't want to believe her at all.

" Mom.. Which one is prettier?", Yuna asked to Yeo Soo, shoving two designs, pics.

" This one is more cute and suitable for kids..", said Yeo Soo, pointing to the one, which doesn't belong to her daughter.

" Argh! Why? Why mine is not better than this?", Yuna growled.

" Whose is it?", Yeo Soo asked.

" Choi Sulli's ..", Yuna answered rolling her eyes.

" How did you get it?", asked Yeo Soo.

" I got it after she had left the company.. I looked for the best in her design, and I thought it's best, so I took it to compare with mine... Since mine is worse than hers, I have to do a new one better... But it can be hard since the contest'll be held in the day after tomorrow.. so when'll I make the dress?", Yuna felt being tied with a rope for her difficulties. Suddenly, a sly idea appeared in Yeo Soo's head, she smiled herself and took the design pic of Sulli.

" It's easy.. Yuna, you can use it.. You can make it as yours, not hers.", she said.

At first, Yuna found hard to understand what she said. But finally, she could understand it, " .. It can't be.. How can I do that..? .. I don't want to steal others..", said Yuna.

" Don't be dumb.. If you give it back to her, your choice to be the leader will vanish away.. Think wisely.. ", said Yeo Soo, smiled evilly. Yuna fell into silence and stared at the pic of Sulli's design.

Should she do it or not?

" Noona, I'm here!", Yugyeom waved at Sulli who just entered the bar and looked for him. Sulli smiled, headed to him and took a seat beside him.

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