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Sulli ran to the company as fast as she could because she was already late, for drinking last night.

As soon as she arrived in their office, she saw Kai went out of his room. All of the workers in the office looked at them with the weird stares. Sulli didn't know how to feel right then.

Should she be mad at him ... or .. Should she feel embarrassed to other workers..?

" It's so good that you're late at the second day..", said Kai. All of them knew it was ironic words.

" I'm sorry..", said Sulli bowing at him.

" Start working.", Kai commanded and left for a meeting. Sulli heaved a sigh as soon as he left, then she took her seat and started working.

Eunji approached her and asked in whisper, " What happened between you and him?".

" What do you mean?", Sulli asked against her question.

" Now, the news, that you're trying to seduce Mr. Kim, are spread around like a virus...", she whispered back. Sulli gripped the hem of her skirt as soon as she heard that kinds of words about her.

But she tried to hide her unpleasant feelings and said, " No.. It's just misunderstanding..".

" Yes.. I also think like that.. How can a new girl try to seduce Mr. Cold heart, right?", said Eunji.

" Mr. Cold heart?", Sulli felt like ridiculous after hearing his nickname.

" Yes... Although he is handsome, there was no flirting in his work-life.. He never talks to the girl unless it is about work.. You're the first one who has rumor dealing with him..", said Eunji.

Although that arrogant man was still pure with rumors, he didn't get effects for this case. Sulli was the one who got the black name like that slutty... because she is a girl...

" Sulli, won't you have lunch?", Eunji asked when was about leave with the others for lunch.

" Oh.. I'll .. I'll have after finishing this..", Sulli said lifting the file a bit which she was focusing.

" Ok.. So, we're leaving first..", said Eunji.

" Yeah..", Sulli then continued her work.

After about 10 minutes, she left for lunch. On her way, she kept hearing about her bad news.

" Is she the one who tried to flirt with Mr. Kim..?", said the one of the staff of the company.

" Yes, right.. How shameless she is!... How can she do like that with her innocent figure? Besides, she's just a new employee..", said the next one.

" Nowadays, not only boys but also girls are scary.. She even tried to seduce to a higher-up in the company.. Oh.. slutty girl..".

Flirt. Shameless. Seduce. Slutty.

These harsh words hit her heart again and again. She didn't dare to continue her way for lunch because she couldn't stand to hear these kinds of words. Being a sensitive girl, she can even fight with others if she is right. But she didn't want to fight with anyone in the company, it would be only bad effects to her father. So she just turned back and went to her coming way.

She sat down on her seat and tried to focus on work again. Suddenly her phone rang, she took her phone out of her bag. It was an unknown number.

" Hello?", she picked up the call, whatever.

" Hello, Noona!", because of the response of the other line, she was almost jumped.

" Who are you?", she asked politely.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now