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Kai entered the yard after passing through the main door. His way stopped as he heard someone yell from inside.

" How many times do I have to tell you not to put the salt too much in the soup? Can't you understand what I said? Or can't you even understand the words what human says? Huh?", it was the voice which belongs to his elder sister. Without any doubt, it might be she's scolding his wife again.

He sighed heavily while drawing a frown on his own forehead. Then he stepped into the house and pushed the silde door aside so that he could enter. As soon as he reached, he went to the kitchen directly.

" Stop it, Noona.", he said all of sudden that made the two girls look at the entrance. Sulli widened her eyes when she saw her husband standing there. It's not a good thing, there would be a problem soon.

" If you don't like what she makes, then do it by yourself. No need to scold her like she's a girl who came to do the chores. She's my wife, not the slave.", he said grinding his teeth under his breath.

" Kim Kai. You don't have to cover her that much. That's why she didn't try to be better. Because you're always behind her back.", Mi Rim said back.

" What is happening here?", they all looked at the mother who just entered the area because of the noise they made. Mi Sook stood beside Mi Rim while Kai was being Sulli's side.

" It's because of your son who only knows his wife. I'm teaching Sulli how to cook properly. But--".

" You're not teaching. You're finding faults in her, Noona.", Kai interrupted her sentence that made her roll her eyes.

" You heard? Kim Kai is not the same person we knew before, he changed and Choi Sulli is the one who changed him.", Mi Rim said. Sulli looked at her when she heard her name, but only glare got from the elder.

" Kai.. We just teach her what she needs to know. We're not blaming her for everything she did.", Mi Sook said looking at Kai but softly.

" Yeah, Kai.. Unnie didn't scold me for no reason.. It's because I'm lacking.", Sulli held his arm and looked at him with the begging eyes to stop. Kai took the soup bowl from the table and went to the sink. He poured all of them into the basin that made the three widen their eyes at his action.

After throwing the empty bowl into the sink, " Then don't ask her to do such the things. Because she married me, she had to retire from the work she loves. So it's so unfair if she's also being like this because she married me..", he said to them. " Why can't you all love the girl I love? If you all love me, then please love her as well.. It's me who dragged her life down because of my love. It's me who made her to stay in this poor house from her palace like home. So please don't make her depressed anymore because of the fact she married the boy you all appreciates.".

" And Sulli, don't do anything from now on. Whatever you do, they will never see good in you. So stop being stupid.", he said looking at his wife directly.

" And Noona, I swear. If you keep doing this, we will move to the apartment. It has no reason for us to stay here any longer.", he said bluntly.

" Yah, Kim Kai!", Mi Rim yelled while Sulli cursed herself in mind for making this situation.

" You don't have to say it, Kai.. We all love Sulli, of course. And we don't think that she snatched you from us.. Just we're helping her. But I'm so sad if you say like this.", said Mi Sook whose eyes were moist with tears after hearing her  son's words. The words from her beloved son are too harsh for a mother like her to hear.

Kai just sighed and looked away while the frown never left his face. He then just walked out of the kitchen, but not really going to their room. He then instead, left outside again. Sulli who got worried her husband, bowed at the elders and immediately followed his way.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now