CEO's daughter

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" You can't go until you will finish it all.", said Yuna when she was about to leave the office.

" .. Yes..", Sulli answered lowering her head.

" So we'll leave first..", Yuna said and left. Sulli bowed at her and sighed.

Eunji went towards her and turned to face Sulli but after checking to be sure that Yuna had already left. " What to do, Sulli? I can't stay with you since I have the family meeting today..", she said.

" It's ok.. You can leave first..", Sulli smiled at her.

" I'm really sorry..", Eunji gave her a faint smile.

" I'm really ok.. I'm even thankful to you for thinking about me now..", said Sulli.

" I promise I'll stay at the next time.. So I'm leaving first.. Take care ..", said Eunji.

" Yeah.. Please take care on your way.", Sulli bowed at her and Eunji waved at her before left.

Sulli sighed again and took her seat back. She looked at the books and files in front of her, on her worktable. She had to do all tonight as Yuna asked her to do. Sulli took a file on top and opened it. She took the pen and started checking some, noting some.

" Wahh.. It's already 9.. ", she dropped the pen and stretched her hands over her head, ywaning.

" .. I'm hungry...", she murmured herself, rubbing her tummy.

" What are you doing without working?", someone asked that caused Sulli frightened. She got flustered and took her pen again.

" Haha!", she heard that laughing and so she looked at the entrance. Kai was standing at there with his grin, his hand was holding a paper bag.

" What?", Sulli whined and threw her pen back.

" Dinner time..", Kai said and raised the bag beside his face.

" Really? .. Ah.. Why are you so complaisant?", Sulli grinned and cleared the books and files on her table to get a place for the foods.

" Are you hungry so much?", Kai asked while unpacking the rolling rices and sushi with the two cups of ice coffee.

" I think I can even die now for my growling stomach..", she said pouting and narrowing her eyes.

Kai smirked and said, " Piggy girl..". Sulli just smiled after hearing it, she doesn't need to be whine for that. She is ok whatever Kai tells her...

" Ahh..", Kai gave her a rolling rice. But when Sulli opened her mouth, he took it back into his mouth.

" Aish .. Really!", Sulli pouted and Kai laughed. But he fed her again, real for this time. Sulli smiled and chewed the food well.

While they were happy and perfect with their little dinner, a case like strom barged into their moment.

" What are you two doing now?", they turned their heads to look at where the voice came from. Sulli immediately got up from her seat as soon as she saw Yuna standing at the entrance. Kai followed Sulli and got up too.

" I asked what are you two doing.", Yuna repeated her words.

" Don't you see? .. We're having the dinner.", Kai replied.

" Choi Sulli. What are you doing? Why aren't you working? I already asked you to do all this. But, dinner? Can't you respect on me? Why don't you follow my words?", she asked almost yelling.

" Seo Yuna. Why are you yelling at her? What are you?", Kai snapped her back, Sulli was being suffocated between these two.

" I'm her higher person, the leader of this design group. If I ask her to do this, she can't do that. She has to follow my words.", she said.

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