Stepping on my heart

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Yugyeom went to the bar as soon as his exam finished. He couldn't wait to start the singer life again, and plus, the dancer and instrument player now.

He greeted all people who took care of him before he had left this bar. He announced his comeback and he was glad to do that.

" Jungshin Hyung, I'm back.", he said to the guy who was standing in the counter of the bar.

" Oh, finally! Welcome back, Yugyeom.", the two guys did the highfive in the air.

" How was your exam?", Jungshin guy asked as he gave some drink to the younger.

" It was fine.", he replied and sipped his orange drink.

" Oh, by the way, your brother came here last week.", said Jungshin.

" Hyung? Kai Hyung?", he asked.

Jungshin nodded, " Yeah. He was so drunk right then. I even carried him to the car.", he explained.

" How did he go back?", Yugyeom asked.

" With a girl.".

" Girl? Sulli Noona?", he asked.

" No. Not that girl.. It was another girl.. I don't know well..", said Jungshin. Yugyeom frowned. Who was the girl with Kai? He knew his brother well, he gets almost unconscious if he is drunk once.

He didn't know the reason but he didn't feel good about that. He felt something in his heart burning.


Sulli and Mi Sook were preparing the lunch, the shrimp kimbap and fried chicken.

" Oh.. Kai would love this meal so much.", Mi Sook said.

" Shall I bring some to him?", Sulli asked.

" To company?", Mi Sook asked.

" Yes.", she nodded and gave a piece of kimbap to Mi Sook to taste.

" It would be great.", she smiled while chewing the kimbap. " But will you ok? Aren't you tired?", she asked.

" I'm fine.", Sulli smiled, there was no baby in her womb, but still they treated and cared her like she was a pregnant woman.


Sulli entered the company holding the bag which contains the lunch for Kai. She smiled at the others and they also welcomed her. Sulli had a lot of admirers since she was so good to others when she was in company.

She directly leaded to C.E.O's office which is on the 8th floor. Her steps were echoed in the silent floor. She turned the handle and opened the door. She found no secretary inside. And so she just decided to enter his room right away.

She held the handle and was about to open. But a voice stopped her.

" How many time I've to tell you I don't believe you?!", it was Kai and she could sense the anger from his voice.

" Then what? You will believe me only when I get pregnant?", Yuna asked sarcastically. Sulli frowned, what was she talking about.

" Leave. Don't come into my sight again. I don't want to see you.", she heard Kai said.

" Why? What's so hard to accept me? Just go to tell Sulli that we were together at that night!", the bag in her hand dropped and she covered her mouth with her palm. The tears were trickling down.

" Don't you dare to ruin my relationship with her. You have no right to do that!", their voices were no longer clear since her steps were heading away from them.

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