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" What happened to Dad exactly?", asked Sulli to the doctor, beside her, Kai was also waiting for the doctor's answer.

" Actually.. there is a poison in his body.. So I think he got poisoned.", he answered. Both Sulli and Kai got shocked as soon as they heard that.

" How? Who did that stupid thing?", she asked anxiously, her voice was obviously nervous and her hands were cold like ice.

" We don't know about that. It's not our business. All we have to do is to save him.", said the doctor. Sulli sighed and the sorrow and anger were expressed on her face at the same time.

" You said, poison, right? Poison can kill a person in no time. But Mr. Choi is still ok. Are you sure it's poison?", Kai asked. It was not like he didn't believe the doctors but like he couldn't believe what happened in the short time.

" This poison doesn't kill a person on  spot. It will destory the organs in his body, day by day, second by second.", the doctor explained.

" There is no way to remove that poison?", Sulli asked.

" As all we know... there is no way.", said the doctor.

Sulli and Kai left the room after listening to the explanation of the professor. Sulli immediately held the wall for support not to fall down, and Kai held her arms to give her stable.

" Are you ok?", he asked with a worried tone.

" No. I'm not ok.. How can this nightmare come.?", she said.

" Calm down, Sulli..", said Kai.

" How can I? How can I calm down while Dad is about to leave this world?", her tears started to roll down.

" You can't be like that. You have to be stronger if your Dad is like that.", said Kai holding her arms.

" I'm really tired... Why all things are cruel to me? I've no chance to be happy even for a minute.. I'm a girl, Kai.. I've the soft heart like other girls. But why I have to face all of this cruel world?", she said, her words were messy because of her sobs and tears.

Kai pulled her into his embrace and held her hair gently, and whispered, " It's ok.. All will be settled.. And.. I promise.. I'll protect you from now on.", he said. Sulli cried hugging him back as tightly as she could.

Sulli and Kai walked along the path to the park of the hospital. Sulli sat on a bench first, followed by Kai.

" I think I know who did that.", said Sulli out of sudden. And she turned to look at Kai who just stared at the ground.

" You know as well, right?", she asked again. All Kai replied was just a simple nod.

" I will kill them all.", she suddenly announced that made Kai look at her immediately.

" You can't do, Sulli. They are poisonous. It will be dangerous if you touch them.", he said.

" So what to do? I'll let the people who killed my dad just go?", she said and sighed, " I'm not the saint, Kai.".

" I know. I know you're angry.. But it's impossible. I can't let you do that.", said Kai.

" No. Kai. I'll do it. I'll get my revenge back. I'll make them get the result of killing my Dad.", said Sulli. When Kai was about to say, a voice interrupted them.

" Kai is right, Sulli. You can't do that.", they looked at the voice.

" Dad, what are you doing here?", Sulli and Kai got up from their seats as soon as they saw Mr. Choi walking towards them.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now