His turn

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Sulli smiled looking at Taeoh who was happily enjoying his meal. While Kai, he was looking at her bowl which was still with full of rice.

As he looked up to her, he caught her staring at the meal with the empty eyes. " Sulli, are you not feeling well?", he asked suddenly that brought her back to sense. And the family reached their eyes on her as he uttered.

" Hmm?", she then looked at Kai, " No. I'm fine.", she shook her head slightly.

" Yeah, Sulli. Why aren't you eating well? It isn't delicious?", Mi Sook asked with concerned voice.

" No. It's fine.", she faked a thin smile.

" She looks so tired, Kai. You should bring her somewhere. She has been so tired to take care of Taeoh alone without you.", Mi Rim said.

" Yeah, Hyung.", Yugyeom agreed. Now, the family knew all about the story of Taeoh. Both Yugyeom and Mi Rim were gaped to hear that, and they felt so guilty to blame on Sulli all along in mind. They really thought Sulli really betrayed on Kai.

" Where do you want to go?", he asked while Sulli kept silent.

" There is no such place like that..", she shook her head.

" Take her to the Gyeonhwa station, no matter what, it is near to the spring.", Mi Sook suggested. Kai looked at Sulli and asked, " Will it be ok?".

" Maybe..", she smiled faintly that caused him feel relieved a little.

" Taeoh too?", the silent kid started to utter when he heard about the short journey.

" You will be next time, Taeoh. Now, Omma needs to take a good rest.", Kai said that caused the boy to pout sadly.

" I will take you to the amusement park this weekend, ok?", Kai knew how to make the kid smile. Sulli smiled looking at the nodding Taeoh.

" Yeah, Appa.", he grinned widely looking at his parents that sent the peace towards their hearts.


Sulli gripped on her shirt under her coat. And she bit her lip to bear the pain while facing the window. And Kai didn't know anything about her pain because he was focused on driving.

She wanted to whine for the pain that was killing inside her. But she couldn't do it. She couldn't let herself ruin this vacation just because she's sick. Because she knew it's gonna to be last for them to be happy like this.

" Sulli, are you all right?", damn, finally she had been caught. She released her grip and turned to face with a smile that was so not real.

" Hmm.", she just whispered and nodded.

" You look so sick, Sulli.. Are you sure the diagnosis results showed nothing?", he asked worriedly.

" Yeah. I'm fine.. I'm just tired.", she didn't drop her smile down so that her husband could buy her lies.

" Do you want to go another hospital?", asked Kai glancing at her.

" No. I'm really fine.", she wanted to say that the result would show only one result which hospital she would go. She wanted to announce that she was sickening and she wanted to run away from all.

After a few more minutes of driving, they finally arrived their destination. Gyeonghwa station which is situated at Jinhae-gu, Gyeongsangnam-do, is filled with falling cherry petals when the spring is brought in. Walking at the railway side of the station, the cherry tunnel would welcome gladly.

Sulli smiled while looking at the cherry trees and blossoms above. She could feel her pain lessened after seeing the good things around.

" You like it?", Kai, who was standing beside her, asked. She nodded with a wide smile, " Yeah, a lot.".

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now