Simple Girl

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As soon as Kai got up from his slumber, " Ah.. It's hurt..", he whined holding his head. He emerged from his bed slowly and lazily but his body dropped on the bed again when he remembered the case between Sulli and himself.

" Is it true?", he asked himself. The scene that his lips touched her soft lips popped up in his sight, suddenly.

" I'm really crazy... Did it make sense? .. Kim Kai, you're out of mind.. How could you-- ..kiss her..?", he messed his hair and growled.

" What to do now? .. Which face I'll show to her now? .. I'm going to be insane!", his mom rushed towards his room as soon as she heard his growl.

" What's wrong, Kai??", she asked worriedly.

" No-Nothing..", he said.

" Are you sure?", asked Mi Sook.

" ..Yes..", Kai replied with a small nod.

" .. Ok, if you say so.. Take a quick shower and come to have the breakfast.. If not, you'll be late..", said Mi Sook.

" Yeah..", said Kai.

" Please wait!", Sulli shouted when she saw the elevator door was about to close. Kai stopped the door from closing as soon as he heard that. But Sulli stopped herself when she saw Kai in the elevator. They stared at each other with their rounded eyes without caring about the others in the elevator.

" Wouldn't you come in?", asked Eunji who was one of the people in the elevator.

" Oh.. I'll..", Sulli stepped in and stood beside Kai since there were no space left except there.

" Sulli, yesterday, did you arrive back home, safely?", suddenly Eunji asked.

" Yes? .. Yeah..", said Sulli after glancing at Kai.

" Inn.. I was worried for that you were so drunk...", said Eunji. Kai felt hot at so sudden because of that conversation.

" .. I was ok..", Kai looked at her as soon as he heard that.

'Was she really ok about last night? .. My kiss??'.

Sulli looked at him since she felt he was staring at her. But they quickly looked away as soon as their eyes met.

" Choi Sulli..", Sulli looked up to the tall figure beside her, while she was taking the coffee for her co-workers, from the vending machine.

"... Last night--".

" Mr. Kim, ... I've to go now.", Sulli cut him off.

" Oh.. ok..", he felt embarrassed for opening that topic. Sulli bowed at him and left with 4 cans of ice-coffee.

" This woman, really!", he leaned his back against the wall behind him.

Suddenly, " Mr. Kim..", Sulli popped up again.

" W-What?", he stammered because of her sudden apperance in the middle of his thought about her.

" It's.. for you ..", she handed a can of coffee to him.

" Oh.. Thanks..", he took it from her, whatever. She bowed at him again and left for real this time. Unknowingly, he smiled looking at the drink in his grip.

" Choi Sulli!", Sulli looked back when she heard someone calling her name. She saw Kai jogging towards her, she quickly turned back on him. When she was about to leave, Kai grabbed her forearm from back, not to let her go anymore.

" Are you avoiding me..?", he asked.

" .. No..", she responded with a lie and pulled her arm from his grip. Kai let out of a sigh and grabbed her wrist, again, then dragged her into the emergency exit.

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