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" Are you feeling better, now?", asked Kai when Sulli came to his room because she needed his sign for a document.

" .. Yeah.. Because of you..", said Sulli. Kai found himself smiling after hearing her words.

" .. Do you live alone?", he asked.

" Yes? .. Ah.. Yes..", Sulli replied nervously.

" .. Inn..", Kai nodded in realization and handed the file back to her. Sulli got it and bowed at him before leaving.

" She may be so lonely..", Kai mumbled looking at Sulli who started to work, through the glass. He didn't know that Sulli's life is so perfect at everything, except warmth....

Sulli looked up to Kai who just placed a paper bag on her table.

" Take this bag and come with me.", Kai told her like a command.

" Where'll we go?", asked Sulli innocently.

" To the market, we have to buy fabric and muslin.", said Kai.

" But you usually go with Jihoo, before..", Sulli complained.

" Dumb.. He's absent today..", said Kai pointing to the empty seat of Jihoo.

" Ah.. Right.. Ok, then..", said Suli and got up from her seat.

" Eunji, you can leave if the work time is over.", said Kai to Eunji who was working beside Sulli.

" Yeah..", Eunji replied with a smile.

" Let's go..", Sulli followed him with that bag and her bag.

They went to the Namdaemun Market, and started roaming around there. It was the first time for Sulli to come there, but she could enjoyed herself. She was more cheerful than Kai, and surprisingly, she's good in bargaining than Jihoo who is the brilliant in shopping.

Because of Sulli's ability, they could get everything what they needed. When Kai was about to leave the market, he turned back to look at Sulli who was following him with the bags. But right then, he found no Sulli behind him, anymore.

He got panic and started looking around to find her. But there was no figure of Sulli, even no shadow.

" Choi Sulli!", he called her name out, but this wasn't the good idea. People looked at him weirdly, maybe, because his loud voice was disturbing them.

So he decided to roam around the market to look for her. He went there and here around, but there was too crowded. It's hard for him to find her easily, but he didn't give up. He was so worrying for her since it's almost dark.

When he reached near the food court, a familiar figure caught his attention, making his steps to stop. He heaved a heavy sigh as a relief and even smiled looking at her cute and innocent figure. He made his way to Sulli who was eating the Tteokbokki, which sells with a perambulator.

" Yah, Choi Sulli. You made me worried. Why did you leave without telling me? You know how much I roamed around just to find you?", Kai blurted out, Sulli blinked her eyes while chewing her food, looking at Kai who just blabbered to her.

" Chill, will you? .. I'm not a kid, so you don't need to worry. .. I can find my way back home..", said Sulli raising her plam.

" But you're my staff.. If something bad happens to you, it'll be my responsibility..", Kai insisted. Sulli raised her hand and positioned it in front of his face, showing him, her watch.

" What?", Kai didn't understand what she wanted to tell him.

" What time is it..?", asked Sulli, still focusing on her food.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now