Missing to Soul

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Kai had never came out of the room folding himself behind the door, since the day she left the house. Mi Sook were being sad about her son who didn't even glance at his meals that she sent into the room every single day. Also Mi Rim couldn't believe her brave young brother broke down like that. As far as she remembered, he didn't even get hurt this much when Yuna left. At least, he ate the meals and did the daily activities even though his heart was dulled. But now, she didn't feel good to see him like that in this state. She was worried if he was trying to kill himself in that way.

Yugyeom just sighed every time when Taeoh asked about his mother. He couldn't also believe that Sulli left Kai finally what he hates really the most. He wanted to blame on Sulli for leaving Kai like this even though he asked her not to. But he knew well Sulli had no fault after all because Kai hurt her first, and it was out of the limits. He hoped his brother wouldn't end the life just like that. Because here, Taeoh is the most poor person among their problems.

As Taeoh came back home with Yugyeom, the kid was still gloomy about the problem that he couldn't understand. All he understood was he missed his mother.

Taeoh let go of Yugyeom's hand as soon as they stepped into the house. The kid headed directly to the room as he did every day since that time before the uncle stopped him. Taeoh turned the knob on and opened the room that caused a few of sun rays fell into the dark.

The kid looked around the dark room and looked for a figure that he was hopeful to see. But sadly, that person was not still there.

" Appa. When will Omma come back?", the kid asked to the man who was sitting on the floor, at the foot of the bed. Kai didn't answer and it was the same silent answer that Taeoh got from his father after two days.

The kid sighed heavily with a pout and he stepped back to close the door back. His tears sparked the dark as he closed his eyes. Whenever Taeoh asked that question, he want to just go die. He is not even a teen anymore to suffer for the love. Instead of suffering, he should take care of his son being a good father. But Sulli isn't just a person to him to make him feel a little hurt. She was his whole damn sky and it was like his sky got broken.

Suddenly, the thing on the floor beside his seat got lightened. And he had to look at it, his phone. Seeing her name on the screen, he didn't think much and grabbed it to answer.

" Sulli.", even though he called her name with a hope of joy, the words she would say would even break his sky into tiny pieces.

" We need to go to the court for the divorce papers.", his life even got darker.

" I have no mind to divorce with you.", he said clearly about his decision. She bit her lower lip from the other line, she had no mind to divorce with him either. It was a force, from her head.

" Please, Kai. We had already talked about it.. Let me go now.", she said with a voice softer than the last one.

" You should know how hurt it is to hear those words..", he tried not to cry. But hearing her repeating the painful words didn't help him at all.

She sighed preventing her tears to fall down. She missed him so much, even hearing his voice couldn't satisfy her missing. " I will wait for you in front of the court at 9 a.m by tomorrow.", she said closing the topic. She just simply shut the line down before her tears broke down finally.

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