Killed Her

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Kai grabbed her wrist and came out of the office. Sulli just followed him silently and lifelessly, being dragged by him. They stopped when they reached the emergency exit. He turned to face her with his firece eyes.

" Are you stupid? Why do you have to do whenever she asked you to?", he said looking at the quiet Sulli.

" I need to prove that I'm sinless.", she answered without looking at him.

" You can show it in other ways. But not that way. You did nothing wrong. So why do you have to do like that?", he scolded at her like she's a little girl.

" I've nothing to prove it except just to do as she wants. I want all to believe that I didn't do that kind of low things. I don't want to be looked by the narrow eyes. There's no one to believe me! So I'll just kneel down and after this, all will be settled!", she said finally looking into his eyes, she was really tired. She couldn't hide her pains in front of him, anymore. He's too cruel. He broke her heart and now he's scolding her like he still cared for her.

" This is what you think! They'll not believe even if you kneel down in front of all. Seo Yuna, she'll do another one to drag you down even after this. Things aren't settled down!", he yelled back to her.

" Why are you yelling at me?! What are you even?!", she yelled at him, he saw her tears started to roll down on her cheeks while she was attacking him back.

'Damn it! I hurt her again..'

She fell down on the floor, right in front of him, while crying quietly. He would kneel down and wipe her tears if he had a chance to. And her crying image hit his heart harshly.

" Since when you've been this weak? .. You had never been to cry just like because of this case.. And you had never cried in front of others. But now, you've been so weak? Where is the Choi Sulli I've known?", he said trying to be serious in front of her, but his heart was so weak as much as hers.

" ..She had died along with her heart.", she said choking with her own tears. That cracked him down, her words meaned he had killed her.

" . .. Just resign this job now and .. come back as the C.E.O's daughter.. That'll be easy..", he said.

" No. I can't do like that. This black image will trail along my whole life. Even if I come back as the daughter of Choi Empire, I won't come back hooking with that black image.", said Sulli. They fell into silence after a moment. Sulli was on the floor and Kai was staring at her with his old soft eyes above her. She wasn't able to see his eyes since she was ducking her head down.

After a quite long silence, Sulli tried to emerge from the cold floor and wiped her tears. She faced him clearly.

" I'll do it and you can't stop me. I'll do everything to keep my background is clear.", said Sulli and turned to leave. But she stopped again when Kai grabbed her wrist.

" Don't.. Please don't do it..  I really hate to see it..", she felt like the sorrow came up from her heart when she heard his begging.

She turned to face him again but after keeping her sadness down, " Why? .. You don't believe me, do you? Maybe, you can also think that I sold that design out. So just believe it and look at me like they do. .. For me, this'll be better .. Don't pretend that you still care about me.", she said.

" I believe you, absolutely.. I believe you other than anyone. .. I believe you even if the world said you're a liar... And I'm not pretending .. I really care for you.", he finally said. These words were the first true words he said to her after their break-up.

" Just wait for a while... I'll try to prove the world that you're innocent..", he said and held the handle of the door to leave.

" Why? .. Why do you have to put too much effort on that.. just for me..?", she asked before he could leave.

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