Beyond Love

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The way to home was heavy unlike usual. She knew she would see him when she reached there. And maybe, he would ask her about Taeoh either. She didn't want to think about Taeoh is another woman's son. She had lost all, father, company, and him as well. But she couldn't let her son go now.

Taeoh was the light when her life was darken with the sadness at that time. Raising as Taeoh as her son, she had never thought she would lose him to his real parents. Perhaps.. What if Kai took Taeoh away from her if he found out the truth? No, it wouldn't be like that. He wouldn't do like that to her.

She wished it was because she was thinking too much. Kai's not that kind of man, she knew it well.

She opened the fence door and it was new. When she found Taeoh happily playing with Kai, she knew since that day, she couldn't hide any longer.

Kai stopped laughing when he saw her at the door, standing, looking at them. Taeoh was still in his arms and he let him go when the kid called her, " Omma!".

Sulli hugged the kid when he ran into her arms. She closed her eyes and smiled feeling the little arms around her. Taeoh was her water when she got tired.

Looking at her smiling, Kai didn't know why but he felt peace at least to see her smile again finally.

When she opened her eyes, she caught him staring at her and it wiped her smile away. And it made him broken and sad. Sulli got up after breaking the hug with kid and she walked into the house with him. Kai followed her.

Mi Rim came out of the room and captured the moment that they were standing side by side with Taeoh between them. " Ha! It would be a great picture if I capture this.", she said.

" Father, Mother and the son. What else we need more?", she said.

Kai looked at Sulli and found she didn't even smile. " How it is, Taeoh? It's good that Appa is finally back?", she asked to the kid. The couple looked at the kid at the same time.

Taeoh nodded while saying, " Yeah. I'm super-duper happy.", the he hugged Kai's thigh.

While looking at Taeoh, dizziness hit her sight. She got stumbled with her steps as she closed her eyes tight. Kai immediately went to her side and caught her before she could fall down. " Are you ok?", he asked as Sulli messaged her temple. Now, Yugyeom and Mi Sook came out of the kitchen.

She opened her eyes slowly while her frown was still going on. She pushed slightly his arms around her and got her steps back. " It's alright.", she answered while the others were looking at her with the worries.

" Are you sure? We can go to hospital.", he insisted and Sulli looked at him. " I'm fine.", and it was final. Sulli made her way to his old room without looking back. Maybe, because she cried too long today, her head was aching.

Kai looked down as she closed the door, all of the family members except Taeoh, looked at him. Kai bent down to reach the level of the kid and held his shoulders. " Would you like to go to Omma and make her feel better?", he asked Taeoh.

Taeoh nodded and Kai let him go so that the kid could follow her mother into the room.


Sulli came out of the room after Taeoh had fallen asleep. She was now out to give him some blanket and pillow to sleep. But her steps halted when she saw him sitting in the yard with Mi Rim. She walked towards them and stood beside the door. They both didn't see her because they were facing the other side.

" No matter how I hate her, it's your fault, Kai..", she heard Mi Rim said.

" I admit I didn't like Sulli at first.. Even now, I'm still trying.. I'm trying not to think about that Taeoh isn't our blood.. that she got with another man. But it was you who broke the line first. Since that time, it's not right that you slept with another girl.", even hearing it again, her heart felt like squeezing. Only if they know, he didn't just sleep with that girl, he also got a child with her.

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