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Kai bowed at Mr. Choi who was sitting at the swivel chair, in the royal library.

" Have a seat.", he said and got up from the chair, heading to the meeting chair. Kai took a seat at the side chair while Mr. Choi was sitting at the heading chair.

" Does Sulli know that you're meeting me?", this was the first question from the elder.

" No. I don't think it's good to give her more stress..", said Kai.

" .. You're right.", Cheol Ho nodded his head in understanding.

" Why do you love my daughter?", suddenly Cheol Ho asked, Kai lifted his face up and looked at the C.E.O.

" You're wrong, C.E.O.. I don't love your daughter. I love Choi Sulli.", said Kai killing his fear to defend the elder. Cheol Ho looked at him with a mysterious eyes of him.

" Do you know you will be handed over the whole Choi Empire, especially the Angel?" , he asked.

" I'm not interested in it, C.E.O... All I know is just her.. I do need nothing from you, but her.. " , said Kai.

" So what if I disinherit her? You still want to marry her? " , said Cheol Ho. Kai's expression was already in the snow storm, his cold aura never left him.

" I'll marry her even if you kicked me out of the company. " , Cheol Ho smiled, Kai gave him the most perfect answer to him.

" You did well, Kim Kai.. Now, you are permitted to marry the Choi princess.. ", said Mr. Choi slapping his palms in the air.

" Are you serious, C.E.O ? " , Kai couldn't believe what he just heard.

" I'm a gentleman. I don't say lies." , said Cheol Ho and smiled.

Kai smiled, he felt like he wanted to meet Sulli to let her know this good news. " But you have to promise me that you will never hurt her.. Appreciate her more than yourself.. It may sound like I'm selfish. But this is parent's love to their children.. I hope you understand me. Sulli can't get hurt anymore since she'd already felt many pains since her mom's death.. " , said Cheol Ho.

" Yeah, I promise it with my life. ", said Kai with a smile.

After a while, they heard the knocks on the door. After Cheol Ho allowed that someone to come in, the door opened and Yuna came in with a tray.

" I'm coming to serve the coffee. ", said Yuna.

" .. Ok. " , Cheol Ho felt something abnormal here. The sly daughter and mother did never interrupt his life or his appointments. Now they made the coffee for him? It's kinda weird..

Yuna placed each cup in front of them, and then bowed at them before leaving.

" Have it. " , Cheol Ho told Kai to drink and he had his own either.

Meanwhile, Sulli was being nervous to press the bell, standing in front of the house. She lifted her nervous hand to the bell button. But before she could do this, the door opened first from inside.

" Noona?" , Yugyeom came out of the house.

" Oh, Yugyeom? ", Sulli stepped back a few and so Yugyeom stood in front of her properly.

" What are you doing here? " , he asked.

" Oh.. I--" , she couldn't continue her words when a voice interrupted them, " Yugyeom, you forgot that--" , Mi Sook stopped her words when she saw the unexpected guest in front of her house. Sulli bowed at the elder, but she couldn't hide her fear right then.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now