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Kai ran into the hospital with the tears staining face, with the burning heart. He looked around only to find the patients and doctors, the people from medical field. Without thinking twice, he ran towards the reception counter where the nurses were gathered.

" Please, which ward is the patient Choi Sulli in?", he asked until he seemed like a mad man.

" Please wait for a while.", the nurse answered in the polite manner and she played with the mouse to find some documents on the monitor.

" I'm sorry, sir. That mentioned patient forbids the facts about her from telling to others.", she answered which made him quite impatient.

" I'm her husband. I'm the only family she has. Even that, I can't know about her?", he was almost yelling that made the nurses and some patients shocked.

" O-Ok.. Well.. She's at 5th floor, room no.112.", the nurses have no choice left and let him know.

Kai immediately ran towards the elevator and pressed the button many times. As soon as the elevator dropped down, the door opened for him who was just so ready to come along with it. He anxiously rubbed his palms together as his eyes were watching at the number of floors at the screen.

When it brought him to the 5th floor, it rang a small tone with the door opened at the same time. Kai came out of the elevator and his eyes were roaming around without knowing what to do first.

As he turned his head to the left again, he caught a certain figure who was walking with the drip stand by her side. She crossed the path pushing the stand along with her, and he saw her disappearing in a room. She looked terribly weak.

And his sense came back. He walked towards that room step by step wishing she would be ok. He read the name plate on the door, and it was the time his world got darkened with clouds. It said, Choi Sulli.

His tears rolled down once again thinking how stupid he had been. He didn't know about her pains and he could say that he did. She is now sick and he let her alone to face all alone. It was so unfair.

He gripped on the handle controlling his upcoming tears to stop. After preparing his mind, he pushed the slide door opened.

Sulli looked up to the person who just opened the door. And her heart was almost halted beating when she saw him already standing with broken tears. She hadn't even lay down on the bed and he came in.

Kai stepped inside while Sulli was playing mute. He closed the door and walked towards her who was now looking away from him, refusing to face him. " Get out.", she asked and his way stopped.

His hands formed fist as he witnessed the drip on her forearm, her paler skin, and her fragile body. How could he not notice her?

" You left me for this? You left me to live like this? If you left me breaking my heart, then live happily to be worthy to hurt me. But now, what is it?", he uttered while she was still looking down.

Sulli bit her lower lip, she shouldn't fall down. She shouldn't call Minhyuk for help to bring her to hospital. She shouldn't forget her medicine at the apartment. It was all of her faults.

" Sulli..", she knew he was crying again and she surely didn't like it.

She lifted her face up to star at him, " I will live happily. So leave me alone.", she then said.

Kai would be lied once, but not twice. As he wanted to believed, she didn't leave because she hated him. It was because of her, herself. And he would never leave her alone again.

" How? How you can be happy with this condition? Without me? Without Taeoh? Choi Sulli, don't lie. You can't be happy if you are alone without us.", he attacked her weak heart that caused the tear in her eye dropped.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now