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Sulli entered the company hall without looking at others. But on her half way,

" Sulli.", she heard his deep voice calling her name. She stopped her way and looked back to the man who just entered the hall.

" Did you sleep well?", he asked with a smile as soon as he reached near her.

" Inn..", she nodded slightly with a thin smile. Now, they were walking to the elevator. Suddenly, Kai slided his own hand around hers, to hold her hand tightly. But that made her to stun, she tried to get her hand back.

" What are you doing? We're in the company.", she said and tried to get released her hand, but Kai didn't let her to.

" Why? Why must we care? No matter what, they will know in no time.", said Kai and squeezed her hand gently. Sulli smirked positively and her lips fell into a smile.

They entered the elevator, there was no one in there, as the door wide opened. They stepped into the elevator, keeping the silence between them. Kai looked at the number, it was still 4th floor, it still needed to reach their floor. He took a glance at Sulli who seemed like in her zone out. He faced the metal door again.

" What did you think when you woke up this morning? ", he asked suddenly out of the silence that caused her to get her senses back.

" Hmm?" , she didn't understand with his question, she didn't know what he wanted to know.

" What is the first thing in your mind as soon as your eyes open?" , he repeated his question but in different words.

" .. Just.. This and that.. Nothing particular..", she answered, but the truth was the first thing in her mind was always their families who were going against their relationship. She couldn't stop herself from thinking how they would get free from the cruel fate. And Kai knew it well too. He tried to lighten the lull atmosphere.

" You're wrong. ", he suddenly uttered these.

" Hmm ? .. Why? ", Sulli asked confusedly at his words.

" You should always think about me. The first one who is your mind. It should always be me. ", said Kai with a smile.

" What? .. Really.. What is it? Cheesy.." , said Sulli but her lips were curving for a smile.

" It's not cheesy.. It's the thing called Love.. If you love me, you shouldn't push me away from your heart even for a second." , said Kai with his confident tone.

" You are full of yourself, Kai.. How can that happen? Sometimes, we may think about other things too.. " , said Sulli, a pretty smirk never left her face.

" Yah, Choi Sulli. You're really like that? .. You are playing with me? I'm always busy thinking about you.. But you." , he took a step closer to her and she sniffed backwards to avoid their close distance.

" Do you want a punish? ", he said trapping her between his arms, only the wall behind her back.

" Yah.. At so sudden, what's wrong with you? You're so childish.." , she said, her breathing hit his face since they were too close unknowingly. He brought his face more closer to hers until their noses met, Sulli  widened her eyes. What the hell he was doing in this elevator.

Suddenly, the elevator door opened, many people gasped looking at their position. Sulli tried to escape but Kai even held her waist that caused their bodies almost touching. The girls, outside started squealing looking at Kai's reaction. How they wish to  be in Sulli's place. The boys admired how Kai being manly in front of all.

" You.. Let me go.." , said Sulli and straggled a bit, but Kai pulled her until the tip of his nose touched the skin of her cheek. The people gasped again like they were watching a horror movie.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now