His warmth

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" .. No..", Sulli pushed him away breaking the hug to free from him.

" This is not.. the right thing..", Sulli kept shaking her head.

" Why ? Why can't we?", Kai really couldn't realize her reaction..

" .. Yuna is---".

" We're already ended. I left no business with her. She was just my girlfriend, not anymore. She's nothing to me now.", Kai cut her off. But it wasn't what Sulli wanted to mean. She wanted to say that Yuna is her sister, who is not common blood with her. It's not the main problem that Yuna's his ex but the real problem is Yuna's her sister.

Sulli sighed and said, " Please leave ..", then she turned back on him and left to her apartment.

" Choi Sulli!", although Kai called her out, she didn't look back to him.

The one who can make her heart beats for the first time...
The one who can give the warmth she missed the most...
The one who had embraced her in his arms...
The one who had kissed her, twice...
Should she love that one without caring about others...?

That question was unnecessary.. She just didn't realize that her heart has already accept that one...

" Sulli, go to take the raw material boxes from the warehouse.", said Yuna, after coming out of her new room, the place where Kai used to work before her.

" Yeah.", Sulli got up from her working and left to the warehouse.

On her way, she met Kai, but she tried to ignore him and changed her direction where he wasn't. Kai let her do what she wanted and stayed like he didn't see her like she wanted.

There was something wrong with these two people..?
And that something was hard to settle .. since it dealed with.. love..

Sulli came back to her office while carrying the two big boxes which were almost covering her sight.

She put the boxes on the table and said, " I've brought them, Ms. Seo.", Yuna came to check the raw materials in the boxes and opened the boxes.

After checking the products on with her eyes, she said, " Bring them back to the warehouse.".

Sulli couldn't believe what she just heard. She asked her to bring them because she just wanted to check? Nothing do? She doesn't realize how tired to carry these two big boxes alone as a girl? She's trying to play with her?

" Why? You don't want to do?", asked Yuna, smirking.

" ...No... I'll bring them back..", said Sulli choking her anger back.

Sulli carried them back and left the office. Yuna smirked evilly and went back to her room.

" Why she kept doing like that to Sulli? She's treating her like a slave.", said Eunji.

" I think she's starting to use her power..", said Jihoo.

" .. Poor our Sulli.. Yuna's just envying her..", said Eunji and Jihoo nodded.

On her way back to the warehouse, Sulli lost her balance on her heels and fell down. The raw materials were scattering on the floor, she sighed and started picking the things up.

Suddenly, she saw a hand which was helping to pick the things up together with her. She looked up to the person and found a familiar boy, but she didn't know who he is.

" You should be more careful..", said the boy and smiled at Sulli who was staring at him blankly.

" Thanks.", Sulli bowed at him after picking all up. Then she picked the boxes up and was about to leave, but the boy stopped her and took a box from her.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now