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A single tear escaped from her left eye, " D.. Don't .. kidden me..", she said shaking her head slightly.

" I'm serious, Sulli ... I want to break up with you..", Kai said, trying to make her believe his lie.

" W-Why? .. Did I make big mistake? .. Was I too wrong? .. So tell me. I'll change what you want.", she said, her sound like begging.

" You can't change.. You can't change that you're CEO's daughter..", said Kai, her jaws almost dropped.

" .. That's the reason? .. You want to break up with me just because of that? .. You're so cruel, Kai.. Is it my fault to be born as the daughter of Choi Empire? .. No, right? .. But---".

" I don't love you anymore.", he cut her off. His smiple yet painful reason made her feel being stabbed right into her heart. Not only she but also he felt like that either. He wanted to rip his mouth for telling her these words, which weren't in his mind.

" .. You're lying me.", she looked at him with her tears. She stepped closer to him and cupped his cheeks to look at him more well.

" Kai.. You can lie to me with other reasons... But not this.. I'll never believe that you don't love me .. Please take your words back.. Say that you're lying..", she said staring into his eyes. He felt like dying when he saw her tears. He didn't like to see her tears, he hated the people who made her cry.. Now, he's the one who was making her cry.. He took her hands from his face and pulled them away from him.

" Please wake up now, Sulli.. All moments we shared before, was a dream.. Now is real.. So wake up from your dream..", he said coldly.

" No! Don't say like that!", she shouted covering her ears.

" Don't be stupid, Choi Sulli! I'm not into you, anymore. Realize that I don't love you anymore. The love for you is now gone..", said Kai. Sulli dropped herself on the ground while crying hardly. Kai wanted to go near her and embraced her, but he really couldn't.

" .. Think well about .. our break-up.. I'm leaving.", he said and turned back on her.

" Don't go...", she begged, but he just pushed it away. Then he started walking with the heavy heart, leaving her, on the ground, crying so hardly. He hurted her so badly.. and he wanted to kill himself for being a bastard for her..

Mi Sook came out of the room to get a glass of water at the midnight. She saw the light in their yard was opened.

" I'm sure I turned it off before I went to bed.", she murmured herself.

After dropping the glass into the sink, she headed to the door. When she opened the door, she saw her son sitting on the couch alone.

" Kai?", she walked closer to him.

" Oh.. Omma.. Aren't you asleep yet?", he asked while making a seat for her.

" I had a short sleep. I came out for water.. But you, why? It's already over midnight. What are you doing here?", she asked.

" .. Nothing.. It's just because I can't sleep.. Sitting in my room caused me suffocated.. So I came out.", he said with a sigh. Mi Sook remained silent for a moment, looking at her son.

" Are you tired, aren't you?", she asked.

".. Should I be honest?", he said smiling.

" Of course.", she nodded.

" .. Yes, Omma.. I'm really tired now.. Sometimes, why fate is so cruel to us..? I think like that ... Why can't we do what our hearts want..?", he said.

SHE against Pains (KAI Exo)Where stories live. Discover now