Tears and Rain

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Kai felt a splash on his face, he closed his eyes simutaneously the liquid spitted on his face. Sulli laved the alcohol to his face after hearing his cruel answer.

" Bastard..", she said while her tears rolling down. Kai opened his eyes slowly and wiped his face with his palm.

" I want to kill you now.. or even more than this.. But I can't.. My heart doesn't allow me to.... I hate myself for being clingy to a bastard like you..", she said. Kai felt like his heart was slashing into two parts. Sulli got up from the stool and walked away with her sloppy steps.

" .. Sorry..", he murmured alone after Sulli had left. He couldn't blame her for doing like that to him.. Yeah.. she could even kill him if she wanted.. he wouldn't mind it if he would die in her arms...

" Are you ok?", Minhyuk asked when they were already in her apartment.

" No.", she didn't want to lie.

" Yah.. Don't be too innocent.. How can you say that you aren't ok for a boy in front me?..", he said, but it more liked he was just joking.

" Do I have to hide my feelings in front of you? .. There is no one who will realize and regonize my feelings..?", said Sulli, her eyes were staring at the floor, while sitting on the couch in the living room. Only her lips were moving for talking, all parts of her was dying.

" ..  Alright... You can open up to me.. Tell me all what you want to tell to.. him.. See me as him for a while..", said Minhyuk. Sulli looked at him for a while, she finally opened her lips.

" Why.. did you change suddenly? ... You're not like the one who loved me.. and I loved.. This is easy for you to erase me from your heart.. but I'm not.. Although I tried, I still can't..", she paused for a while, her heart reached in a suffocated feelings.

" Cry.. You can cry..", said Minhyuk when he noticed how she was trying to hide her tears.

" Why? .. If you don't love me, you shouldn't tell me that you love me since the first place.. But now, when you're already inscribed in my heart, you're trying to throw me away...  I can't do it.. How can you forget easily..? .. It kills me inside.. Thinking about the days without you, eats me slowly.. You taught me to love you.. And you made me to be unable to live without you.. Now, what? .. You killed me, Kai... ", she ended up with the tears. She cried out loud when she couldn't keep her emotions anymore.

Minhyuk pulled her into his arms and laid her head on his chest. He felt poor for her.. maybe, both of them.. " It's ok.. You'll be ok.. Just think like he was just a part in your life journey.. Think about the life before you met him.. And try to live like you did.. without him.", he rubbed her arm to comfort her. Sulli cried with all of her heart, she wanted to chase him away along with her tears..

Kai rolled over his bed, he couldn't sleep. Her crying image was haunting him all time. He felt his eyes heated slowly, he knew the tears would come up in no time. He closed his eyes gently, and let his tears fall.


" Kai..", whenever he heard his name with her soft voice, he felt like he is in the heaven.

" Hmm..?", she was leaning on his chest, his left arm was wrapping around her, they were in the heaven, their own heaven which their love created...

" ..Do men cry..?", she asked while her eyes were looking the nice scenery.

" Why?.. ", he asked back.

" Just answer.. Do men cry..?", she repeated her question.

" Maybe, Yeah.. I don't know well..", he answered.

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