Chapter 2

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"Hey ready?"

Jannet came into the room. 

"Yup. What time does the party start?"

"I don't know. Around 8 I guess."

I glance at my watch and the time show 7.45.

"Oh ok. Let me go and ask grandma first and...lets not mention the party shall we?"

"Ok. What do you want me to say?"

"Let's just say that we're going to Mc'Donald or something." Jannet nod at the  plan. Sorry grand.

We went down to the living room where grandma and grandpa were watching TV.
"Hey grand...can I go out with Jannet?" I ask not mentioning the party or there won't be any.

"Where are you guys going?"
Grandma ask and turn to look at me and Jannet.

"We're just gonna go get dinner at Mc'Donald and then head to my house for homework." I swear of god she's a really good liar.

Grandma smiled and gave us her permission and turn to the TV again. Jannet and I sigh a relief as a we walk out to the door. Safe...for now.

         The music was so loud its impossible to hear anything. Jannet already went dancing with someone else which leave me all alone at a corner trying to figure out what to do with my life. I feel so uncomfortable. People are grinding on other people,arouse with each other touch and drunk in alcohol. This is not healthy for my heart or...anyone's.

      I went to sit down at the empty couch when suddenly a bunch of dudes trash through my way with a huge tank of beer. They all sit around me and scream loudly for no reason whatsoever. I was petrified and when I was really close to getting up, a guy suddenly push my shoulder down causing me to tumble down on the couch.

"Dude...where you going? You're my fight." He scream through the loud music and I can hear the slur drunkenness in his word.

"Fight? Wha?"

        Suddenly he took the pipe to the beer tank and shove it into his mouth while the other guys cheer on him. I watched in awe as my jaw drop to the lowest it can go.

I was so scared. I have never ever touched an alcohol in my hole entire life let alone drink one. I scramble from my sit but the other guy next to me pulled me down back again. The guy who were shoving beer into his mouth keep spilling and spitting the beer everywhere and when his done he hold the pipe in front of my face.

"Your turn." He smirked at me.

"No thanks. I really have to go." And when I was about to get up for the hundredth time, he pulled my shoulders into the couch again. Damn it, why am I so weak.

"Dude,unless you drink this you're not going anywhere. Come one fucking party!!!" He push the pipe further in front of my face.

I stared at him in shock when I slowly take the pipe from his hand and all the guys there cheer for me.


      I was growing more nervous because I knew there's no other way for me to escape but to just go with the whole thing. So,with all the bravery and strength I have in me, I shoved the pipe inside my mouth and a strain of liquid quickly flows through my throat . I swallow hard and fast as the beer keep pouring into my mouth. Loud cheers evolved around me. I can feel my eyes drifting close when suddenly everything turned pitch black. there??

         I wake up to a massive headache. It feels like someone is stabbing my brain with a knife or something. Geez if this how drinking would feel I swear on anyone's grave I won't drink again. I look around and realize I'm not in my bedroom. I'm in Jannet's room.

I keep groaning as the headaches continue to torture my soul.

"You alright there Sky?"

"No. My head is killing me. What happen?" I ask cause I'm sure as hell can't remember anything.

"I don't know. When I want to go home, I searched for you every where."

I freeze at Jannet's word. All I could remember was the stupid dudes and the stupid dringking game. "Where was I ?" I frowned as Jannet seems to notice the worried tone in my voice.

"Oh its fine. Turns out you're in a room upstairs. Looks like someone put you to sleep when you past out."

I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank god. What time is it?"

Jannet look at her watch and now that I've notice she's all fully dress and looks totally fine. Not fair at all.

"Its 9 o'clock."

"Shit! Grandma. She would kill me." I scrambled out of bed reaching for my cloth on the floor. Wait why am I shirtless? I look at Jennet and flash her the confuse look.

"You stink last night and don't worry, last night I call your house and said that you'll be spending the night at mine."

I sigh again. What a mess. I look at Jannet, giving her the 'this is all your fault' look. Jannet raise her hand to her shoulders and smile at my accusations.

"Ok grumpy boy. Come down when you're clean."

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