Chapter 9

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Warning: R rated

Josh Hart

Bullshit like faith,destiny or love is something that I had never really experienced. I assume everything as coincidence and that every girl I hooked up with is nothing but sex and lust cause shit I'm so horny all the time.

Everything in my life is amazing. I don't have any flaws and weaknesses. I can do what I want and be who I want. The people around me respect me and show me their loyalty despite the jerk I am cause they know I have the power to corrupt them if they don't. Perfect would be the appropriate word to describe me and my world.

But when living a life filled with things, there will always be something that will stop your way and ruin everything. Something that you cannot describe it with word and yet it felt right knowing that its a mistake in your life that you will learn from. Something you don't want in your life but still fill your whole entire mind and soul. Right now that something for me is Bob. A mistake.

I am aggressively shoving my tongue down his throat and I have no idea why. Like I said its something that you cannot describe it with word yet it felt right knowing that its a mistake in your life that you will learn from. I don't why I'm so angry about him passing out or crying, all I know is that I'm pissed. Pissed that a loser like him make me feel like I'm the bad guy. Well I'm not cause his the one making me feel like shit.

Bob whimper and I can feel him struggling trying to close his mouth. Shit that just make me want to fuck his tongue even more. I tightened my grip at his wrist and deepened the kiss. He moans heavily. Great now it sounds like fucking music to my ears. I notice that he can't breathe and I released the kiss for a moment and when his hand were free from my grip, he slap my face hard.


My right cheeks stings like a bitch. I paused for a second, progressing what the fuck just happen. I have never ever been slap by any girl but this guy just did and it seriously feel weird. I turn to look at him and I can see the anger in his face as he clenched his teeth but I can't see his eyes. My body acted on its own and grab his front bangs into a grip. Bob hold my hand as he try to stand the pain of my strong grip. His eyes. His fucking eyes. Now I can see his really pissed. His glaring at me with those blue eyes which make me more horny than I am. Both of his hand still on my one hand grip as I move forward, close to his face.

"Do you want to know what happen at the party that night?" I whisper to his ears. I can feel Bob rage breathing. I turn to look at his face. He was still glaring so I take his hand and put it on my hard crotch. Bob eyes widened and struggle to take his hand back. But I didn't budge and make his hand touch me even more. I could fell the sensation that his hand is giving me through the jeans fabric. Fuck!

"This happen fag. You masturbate me. Don't remember don't you? Well I do. I fucking remember every single thing you did and boy did it turn me on."

"You're lying." Bob said as I saw a couple of tears streaming down his cheeks. I laughed.

"Lying? Why do you think I ask you to be my slave instead of just letting you go? You wouldn't worth anything to me if it wasn't for what you did. And now I want more."

"No please don't. I was drunk I dont even know what I was doing. Please Josh just don't..."

Bob was begging and as much as I felt sorry for him, I can't go back now. I just can't. I need to finish this. I hate this lingering feelings I keep having for him.

"Tell you what. You let me screw you this one time but you won't tell anyone cause if you do I'm gonna make sure you can't even live in the United States anymore and I don't think anyone would trust it? And after I screw you, I'm gonna leave you alone and pretend none of this ever's that?"

Bob look at me as if I'm loosing my mind. I think I am. But that is all because of him. No else to blame but him. He look away trying to considered my deal. Wow his actually thinking about it. Maybe his not so innocent as I thought he is. But then again, the image of another man wrapping their hands around his tiny waist or kiss his pouty pink lips make me fume with anger.

"Over my dead body." Bob said through his clenched teeth. I smirk at his answer. I knew his gonna be difficult about this. I release my grip from his hair and stare at him. Bob fidget in his step as he slowly walk out of the room. I watched him walked through the hall and enter the guest room.

Part of me felt bad but an even bigger part of me want to fuck the shit out of him. I know I wanted to end everything quicky but suddenly it dawns on me that if I ended everything, I can't see him anymore or felt his presence being in the same room with me. That kind of lost and absence doesn't felt right with me.

Shit! Who am I kidding. I totally want this guy. But knowing I can't entirely have him, rage me even more. What am I supposed to do?

Talking about fucking a gay's have sex anyway. I never really browsed about gay sex considering I would have nightmares about it. As much as I don't want to look at a bunch of dudes having sex, I need to...I have to cause I seriously have no idea what I meant when I say I want to screw Bob.

So I shut the door and lock it. I went to my laptop and type in 'gay sex' on the keyword and shit! There so many result. Wow I seriously didn't see this coming. I'm super embarrassed right now I wanna shoot myself in the head. Never in a million years I would have thought that I will be learning how to have gay sex from the internet. Never.

I click the porn blog that says as it would make it easier for me to watch rather than read and have no idea what the hell it is about. As soon as the picture of the video starts poping out, I turn my head to the right. Embarrassed by what's in front of me. I don't think I'm ready for this. But geez why do I feel like such a coward. Its only gay sex. Its not like its...its...oh hell. What the fuck.

I slowly turn my head and look at it again and saw a bunch of muscular dude in sex position and every one of them looks painful. I clicked the one with two dudes penetrating but I can't quite see where he shove his dick into.

The video starts playing and the two dude kiss. They were actually good looking and tough. I skip. They were fully nude right now and the shorter guy kneel and gave the other guy a blowjob. I keep my laptop in silent mode cause I don't think I wanna hear their moan's and dirty talk. That would make me completely uwack!!!

I skip again and this time I know what I have to do as the two dude completely portrayed it before me. Before he penetrated the shorter guy IN HIS ASS!!!! He put on some liquid or oil or something. I didn't quite sure. They were in a doggy style position and that's when I stop the video, went to clear my search history and closed the damned laptop. Shit. That was something.

Great. Fucking I'm horny as fuck!!!

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