Chapter 11

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I'm standing in front of Josh mustering up every bravery and dignity I had left. "I'll do it." I say. "But on one condition."

"Condition? Fine with me." Josh smile evilly and I couldn't have felt more hatred towards him than I already did.

"I need you to promise and swear on your life that you'll l...leave me a...alone." A little bit stuttered but I made my point. That's good. Josh smirk.

"And why would you think that I won't? Come on loser...don't be up so high with yourself. You're a freak,remember?"

If I'm such a freak then why do you want to have sex with me? You're the freak one.

Josh face suddenly turn bright red. He looks angry. Why is he angry? "What did you just say?"

"No...nothing. I didn't say anything."

"No I heard you faggot. It wasn't nothing. Did you called me a freak? You're so gonna get it."

In my mind YES!!! But before I could register anything, Josh lunched forward and punch me in the stomach. My body slung forward reacting to his powerful punch. I grab my stomach as the pain erupted in me and I could feel my tears falling down. It hurts. It hurts really bad. "STOP!!!"

I practically scream. I have no idea where it came from but I scream. I can feel the anger inside of me. I stand straight and glared at Josh. He seems shocked with my reaction but I was so angry I could care less what he looks like.

I charged towards him and push his chest so hard that we both fell onto the floor and I land on top of his stomach.. I have no idea how to fight but my fist was already punching his jaw. I held my hand and hissed as the pain in my knuckles hurt my hand.

As I was soothing the pain, Josh rolled us over and now his on top of me. I can see his fist making its way through my face when I closed my eyes. After that my jaw was in ridiculous pain and it took me all the energy I had in me not to wailed. My head felt a little dizzy. I look up at Josh and his smiling? That just makes me more angry than I already am. I squirm below him trying to escape.

Josh laugh at my useless effort but stop when I knee his back,hard. He fell towards the front and both of his hand landed beside my head. I took the opportunity and push him beside so that he fell on his right. I get up as fast as I could and kick his stomach and chest repeatedly. Josh were squirming in pain for a moment before he caught my right leg and pull them making me fall on my bump. He crawled on top of me and pin my hands above my head and stare at me with a look that could even scared the devil themself. His eyes grew darker as he keep staring at me.

We were both breathing heavily and panting from the fight. I keep my eyes locked at him and so did he. At this point I don't even cared if he can see my face or not. The anger building inside of me has finally find its way out. Just because I'm gentle and shy,doesn't mean I don't have feelings. I do and god knows its exploding like a volcano pit right now.

"I just need to make sure you would leave me alone." I said breaking the silence between us.

"Don't worry. I don't think I want anything to do with your pathetic life."

Wait...that's my line you bastard!

The intense silence come back again. Suddenly Josh smash his lips with mine and I widen my eyes. Shocked and confuse with his action. The kiss turn deeper and deeper and my mind went blank when I response back to his kiss. Giving his tongue permission to enter my mouth and when his tongue made its way, I moan and whimper at the amazing contact.

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