Chapter 40

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           The next morning, I wake up with a huge headache. Even if I feel like someone is fucking my brain, I'm still glad that I did wake up cause god knows I wake up to the most lamest and stupidest thing ever.

A guy sucking on his thumb and sleeping like a fucking baby.

But no matter how stupid and lame it is, my dick demand to jump out of my jeans and fuck the shit out of anything that breath. And at this moment, this guy is the closest one to me.

I look at the clock on the nightstand and the alarm shows 6:33 in the morning. I wanted to go back to sleep and enjoy this heavenly feeling but surely I can't. Not if I can't stop staring at his face.

I prompt on my elbow and stared at Sky. Pulling his stupid thumb out of his mouth and fantastically a line of saliva follow along with the thumb.

I snorted in amusement and keep pulling his hand. Shit, the thing doesn't cut off. I don't wanna touch his fucking liquid.

Shock from the movement, Sky stretch his arm forward, pushing my chest and then hug me like a teddy.

Damn, that's a fucking turn on.

I hug him in my arms and crossed his legs with mine. My body warm from the heat that our body build together.

We stay like that for Jesus know how long. At the moment, I couldn't think of anything else. Its like I don't have any problem in the world.

So, this is what it feels huh...when you're with someone...'important' in your life. Is he important?

Fuck! Who am I kidding? As much as I hate to admit it, Mason meant the world to me now.

Lord have mercy on me!

I released him when it was sunny enough outside. I decided to go home and give my self a rest from all this love shit. Jesus! I'm gonna have a heart attack soon.

Since I fucking stupidly walk to Sky's house last night, I have to walk like forever back to my house.

Along the way, my fucking brain brought me back to the time when I literally make him walk all the way from school to my house. And let's not forget, I did abandon him on the street eventhough I could've just gave him a ride.

Shit, I should've known that, that kind of stupidity is gonna eat me alive. God, I feel so worthless to treat him like that.

How much of an asshole can I be?

Great! Now I'm spitting shit to myself.

        Being at the front door make me realize that this time, I'm not home alone. The crooks is in there doing god knows what. Planning to corrupt my whole entire life again, I'm sure.

I open the door and surely there he is, sipping tea like a hotshot millionaire. I started to ignore him and walk to my room but curse me, he couldn't just leave me alone.

"Sit." He command, putting down the newspaper.

I walk to him in protest just so he could see how a pain in the ass his being. As I sit down, I grab the toast on the plate and ravished it with all my might. Now that I stuff something in mouth, I feel a lot better.

I don't wanna say anything, hell, I don't even wanna see his face at all so, I did what I do best. I ignore haters.

"I'm not gonna ask you where you've been last night cause I'm pretty sure you have a good time. Like I said son, I wanna talk business."

I nod just so he knows I'm pretending to actually care.

"You're gonna move back to New York."

I look up to face him abruptly.

Fuck no!

"What?! Why?" I ask in protest.

"Your old enough to be working for the company I assume. You're gonna start working as an executive for your brother department. You can learn a lot from him."


"Why not?" He ask in full calmness.

I wanted to shout and scream to his face and say that I have everything I need here and by everything I mean Mason. But how dare I tell him that I like a boy and god knows that kind of shit is not gonna stop him.

"When I first send you here, you said it yourself that you'll hate me till the end of time. Now, that I wanna bring you back to the city, you refuse to leave. Don't challenge me son." He threatened.

"I wanna stay. I'm comfortable here and its better than the city. Plus, I can be alone rather then facing those bunch of satan everyday."

And by satan, I mean my brother and sister.

Two brother and two sister. Of course not my biological family. Dad had a lot of affair and those satan are the result of those affairs.

His not an idiot. He could've use a fucking condom rather then fucked up someone. But, he didn't cause he had always wanted children. Many of them. So that when one down, 4 more to go.


"Well that's not gonna happen. You know how I do things. Don't fight me if you know what's coming your way."

"Your threat don't work on me. I got nothing to lose." I said confidently.

"Oh really? Well then, I guess we could just ship that boy somewhere else then. What you recommend? India? Philippines? Can you name any other country with high poverty?"

Fuck! Fuck! Fucking hell!

I should've known he knew about it. His slave must've take pictures or something.

"You're not gonna touch him." I were so angry I didn't realize how bad I was growling at him, clenching my teeth in anger.

"Well, it depends on how you act Joshua. That boy life is in your hands and I assure you to make the right choice. I hope what happen to Remy can bring back memories."

How can he be so fucking calm? Doesn't he feel sick to act so inhuman?

He stand up from the chair and went upstairs.

But Remy. Of course. How could I forget my big step brother tragedy.

His girlfriend got ship off to Africa. They were dating and when dad decided to marry off Remy to a potential share holder daughter, he refuses. He refuses badly and dad always knew how to do his job perfectly. He sent the poor girl to Africa one night without Remy knowing. When he woke up the next day and went to see her, all hell break lose.

Dad had declared that he won't bring the girl back, not unless Remy agrees to the marriage.

You guess it. What choice do he have actually but to obligate. He married the girl and work in one of the multi million company in New York.

Wonder how his doing?

No! This is not the time to think about him or anyone else. I'm pretty fucking sure his not going to touch Sky. I'm not a weakling like Remy. I fight for what's mine and his not gonna hurt Sky, not on my watch.

I'm gonna go to New York for sure. Or else, you heard the old man.

Its whether I leave without Sky and be miserable for the rest of my life or fucking take him with me.

Either way.

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