Chapter 32

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      I wanted to wait for the right opportunity and ambush the guy but fuck it. I'm so mad right now, I could hardly do or think of anything. So I did what I always achieved in doing, threatening.

I send a very special text to Sky so that he'll freak out out of his mind. The shit happen like after recess when I can't even sit on my own ass because I'm just so furious from just thinking about it. I waited  for Sky on the rooftop when I send him the text.

I hear the door open so I pretend to close my eyes and lay on the wooden bench. I can hear his footsteps approaching my side but hey...I'm a fucking catch so I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

"You can't do this to me." He said.

I stay still and keep ignoring him. But the guy sounds angry though.

"You can't keep messing around with other people feelings. It's not nice."

Wait, I mess with his feeling? See, I told you I'm a fucking catch. I slowly get up and stretch my amazing body.

"Who's feeling we're talking about?"


"What's wrong with it?"

"It hurts."

Then, I could see a bundle of tears forming in his beautiful blue eyes.

Those eyes.

Those amazing eyes was the one thing that got me fucked up in the first place.

"What makes you think that I'm messing with your feelings?"

"Nothing...and there's nothing that makes me think that you're being real either."

I wave my hand and shook my head when I starting to feel this ridiculousness.

"Look, Mason, don't cry. You look lame." Amazingly beautiful actually. Exceptionally beautiful.

"Just tell me what you want and we could just get on with it. I'm tired Josh."

Suddenly, an anger strikes me when his whine about his feeling when I have never, ever been more fucked up in the head. I trudge my way towards him and stand tall.

"Well yeah? What about me Mason? What about me? Don't you think that I'm fucking tired too? Huh?!"

Sky jolted in surprise when I shout at him.

"I don't know." He whispers. "I don't know." Shooking his head.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I back away a little giving him some space.

"I mean..." he speak again with his head down..."you're gonna graduate and high school is just going to be something in your life that you had. It's just a one time thing Josh. You don't want to spend your time with me. I know you don't. I'm sure all these thing you're feeling is nothing but temporary. So don't go hard on yourself and just please, try to understand I have two more years to go through this hell and what am I supposed to do if you're gonna make me suffer it like this?"

All along the line of his word, his head down and his tears fell. I hate to admit it but my heart is painful. For the first time in my life, I am...what they called it? Broken hearted, heart broken? Ah fuck it.

All I know is that it hurt as fuck.

And for the first time I was speechless. How am I supposed to know what to say? I don't do this kind of shit. I can really use some fucking poet shit right now.

"Look Mason, I don't do this kind of shit. I don't tell what I'm feeling like a bunch of sissies. All I know is that...I think...I think...shit I don't know!"

Sky look up and glance at me.

" you like me?" He ask between his eyelashes.

Fuck! That's hot.

"I don't know, maybe."

"Do you want to be"

"I guess."

Sky shook his head and sigh.

"Well then, one thing for sure is that...I don't wanna be with you Josh. I really don't."

"So? Like I said Mason, I'm not stupid, I just don't give a shit."

"Okay. So I guess I could take Luke on his offer huh?"

I snap my head to look at him and he cowered in fear.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing, never mind."

"No you listen to me you shithead! I'm not gonna go around and act like I'm a fucking fucked up faggot who can't keep his dick to himself so if...if you want out then..." I stop cause I really don't know what I'm suppose to say. I can't let him go. Fuck! I can't even see him smile at other guys let alone not meeting him.

When I was alone in my thought, I heard some sobbing going on. I look up to Sky and I can see that his crying.

"Ugh...what now?"

He wipe his tears. "I don't like it when people call me shithead. That's what my sister called me...and it hurts. It really does."

Oh yeah no wonder I heard shithead from somewhere.

"Well...sorry I guess."

Sky shook his head and sigh again as he walk away from me.

I step in front of him as he dodged me but I block his way again before he could even step ahead.

"Please, stop."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then do whatever you like."

This time he walk away from me. Fuck you Mason for leaving me like I'm some pushover or something. 

I don't really know why is it necessary for him to get all emotional. Can't we just screw like crazy and pretend to like each other? I mean how bad can it be when his screwing with me?

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