Chapter 42

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        I don't know how long I've been here but by the time I wake up its already morning, I know this cause the sun were literally shoving my whole body to hell. Sweat bream down my body and I can feel the heat radiating from my pores. I slowly sit up and wipe my watery face.

How could've I fallen asleep? What time is it?

Running from home without a cellphone is certainly not a good idea. Aunt Jessie is gonna be worry sick about me.

I hope she just doesn't call the police or something.

I look at mom's grave again. I touch the ground above her and kiss the stone.

Bye mom.

Soon after, I stand up and start to walk home. After a while, I arrive and walk into the house.

"Oh my goodness Skyler." Aunt Jessie trudge her way and hug me tightly. "Where on earth have you been? Do you know how worried I am? Where did you went off to?"

She inspect my body for further injury and stop to look at me.

"I went to see mom."

"What?" She frown her eyebrow.

I didn't say it again because I know it's not because she doesn't hear me, she just doesn't get it yet.


There it is.

"Well, are you okay then? Go take a shower and come down for lunch later."

I nod at her instructions and proceed to climb the staircase.

     As soon as I walk into my room, I was push to the wall and Josh's face came into view. I grunt in pain from the hard impact and try to stand on my feet properly.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He grabs my collar shirt and whisper harshly.

"I went out." I said calmly and look at him in the eye.



He seems at lost for words when I said that. He let go of my shirt but he didn't step back to give me room. His body were a few inches from mine and I can feel his rapid breathing. On days like this I always hope that the guy standing in front of me is not the school captain football team or most likely the most popular guy in school, but simply a normal and average teenage boy. Cause if he were normal, we would've match each other perfectly. We would fit in together and look great together. But instead his not, so that's why this whole thing we had going on right now is a big messed up.

"Tell me." Josh clenched his teeth in anger.

I let out a sigh because I'm tired and sticky and I smell like a cow. "I went to visit my mom." I said.

Josh nod at that statement.

"Well, why didn't you call and tell me?"

"I don't think it's something that you would want to be bothered with. Do you?"

Josh face suddenly shows a certain anxiety and I can't tell if his either denying it or tragically accepting the fact that he truly does care about me.

"Whatever." He look at me with those dull eyes and proceed to jump on my bed and lay down.

"So, your parents are like divorce or something?" He ask calmly.

I don't really know how to answer that question. So I stayed silent for what seems like forever but when Josh call my name, I look up to him and see the concern look he had on his face.

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