Chapter 6

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Dedicated to Mello3 and Camerashy90. U guys are awesome.^_^


It's Josh Hart.

        I stand still not believing my eyes as they scan his entire demeanor.

This guy is huge. I mean popular huge. There's no one in this school that doesn't know him. His a legend if I may say. What is he doing here? Is he the one who texted me?

Nah...that's not possible.

"Are you done being lame?"

       I wake up from my daydream and look at him. I nod my head as I played with my thumb and kept my gaze down waiting for his next word.

"What's your name?"

"Bob." I lied but no idea why.

"Bob? Bob? That's a really fucked up name." He laugh hysterically. I wonder what so funny?

        His voice is really deep and manly its really scary actually. I remain where I am and still playing with my thumb.

"You trash David's party right?"

I nod.

"You heard that he beat the guys who trash his party?"

I nod again. My heart seems beat faster and faster.

"David can be....crazy sometimes. Trust me you don't want him finding out that you're one of the guys. So..."

"How did you know?" I brave myself to ask him.

His David best friend. I know that he doesn't have any proof that said I was there but I don't think David would care about that.

"You don't remember?"

I jolted my head up and look at him. Remember what?

I shake my head. He sigh and push his blond hair back. He smirk at me while looking me straight in the eye.

Oh wow.

"Whatever. Look loser. Here's the deal. I won't tell anyone you went to the party if you agreed to be my slave. How's that?"

I look at him in awe. Is he serious? A slave? This is like the 21st century. People use machine not slave. But something shake inside me of the thought that I can see him everyday.

"Why me?"

"Dont get your hope up so high. I've always wanted one."

He walk towards me. I step backwards maintaining my distance with him. But he was fast and when his in front of me, he grab my collar shirt and pull me close.

Our face were just inches away. I can feel his hot breath in my eyes. His a tall guy cause I'm at his chin as he hovers over me.

I could smell his strong perfume. It smells like him.

A man.

"You can start your job by being at my house after school to do my assignment. I'll text you the address." He raised his finger and point at me between my eyes. "I'm gonna say this one time only, fucking be there or you're gonna live one hell of a life. I'm gonna tell David and by then you would be limping cause we're gonna break your leg and everyday when you came to school,we're gonna beat the shit out of you again and again and again. You don't fucking tell anyone about this or I'm gonna make sure you regret that you ever breathe in the first place. Got it?"

He clenched his teeth in anger at every word and that scares me so much that I nod my head fast without hesitation.


He push me back making me fall on my bottom.

"Whimp." He walk away and walk out the door leaving me on my ass trying to progress what in the world had happen.

I push my hair back to breath more better. This is not happening.

A slave?

Is he gonna torture me physically? I'm already broken emotionally so I'm fine with that but I don't think I can stand being beaten. I release a sigh and I could feel the exhausted soul I have.

Jannet you bitch.

The bell rang and the whole class cheer.


My phone vibrated in my pocket.

No.34 King street

     King street? Only rich people live there. I've never went inside King street but I heard that its like royalty. There's mansion and huge houses. The people are elegant and have too many cars. That's what Jannet told me when her family went to a dinner at her parents boss mansion.

      But most importantly, I have to walk there. I don't have any transportation and since the people there obviously don't take busses, I have to walk 20 minutes. I sigh again and again. Fuck my life. Why do I even bother living one.

"Oh god I'm gonna die." I wipe the sweat at my forehead and keep walking.

        Along the road, I can see fancy cars coming in and out. When I'm in front of the street, I was in awe as they were huge mansions and lots of cars. This people must be really rich. My head wander around the street admiring the design that every house hold.

"No.34...34...34." I stop in my track when I see the number 34 at the door of the huge mansion in front of me.

I gulped swallowing the thirst in my throat. I walk slowly to the door and hesitated. Am I even supposed to get in through the front?

I took out my phone and texted Josh.

I'm here.Bob.

After a couple of minutes, my phone vibrate.

Come in. The doors not locked.

         I twist the door knob and went inside. Its beautiful. The space was really wide. Its really huge, you could even play football in here.

In the middle of the house is a large white stairs leading it to both direction.

I'm clueless of where I should go. I look around the house.


"Up here."

I look up and I saw shirtless Josh at the right side of the stairs but walked away to his room I guess. I slowly climbed up the stairs and turn right. There's a door at the end of the hallway.

        Beside the hall was a clear glass mirror and I could see the green forest. So there's a jungle back here? Talking about  Awesomeness.

I open the door and peaked my head inside first. I scan around for Josh figure but his not there. I slowly walked in. there anything here that's not huge?

Josh room were pretty messy. He had clothes and magazine all over the floor. His huge master bed were placed right in the left corner. The bookshelf and computer desk were in the other side of the room and there's a huge TV and sofa in the middle of the room. Its like an apartment inside a house.

He has everything.

I could hear the water running inside the bathroom.

I put my bag down and sat at the sofa. I could feel the burden in my heart seeing all of this wealthy since I'm just a poor kid.

Well not that poor but you get the point.

When can I live a life like this? I thought to myself helplessly.

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