Chapter 19

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       Skyler Mason

“I don't know!” He scream in the phone making my eardrum burst and end up in painful ringing.

“What?” What the hell is he talking about anyway. Didn't he cut off the line a moment ago? Now his calling me back yelling things I don't understand. I'm not stupid but I'm sure as hell know this is not normal.

“I said I don't know. I just did it okay. For all it is, it was never my intention.” He said.

“What do you want from me Josh?” My voice is firm as I don't beat around the bush.

“I told you I'm hungry.”

“No. Not that. I mean why are you acting like this? Do I owe you anything or you're just doing this for the fun of it?” Never have I thought I would have a conversation like this over the phone with Josh Hart.

“That's the point. I'll come pick you up in 10. Get ready.”

“Wait!” Before I knew it, the line were cut off.

I can't believe this. I glance at the clock on my nightstand. Its 6 p.m. Its almost dinner. Should I go? Do I even have a choice? 

After I change my clothes I walk downstairs to ask aunt Jessie permission. She were stiring something in the pot and it smells really good too.

“Hey aunt Jessie.” I said sitting on the island.

“Hey Sky. Feel better now?”

I nod. “I'm gonna go out with some friend for dinner. Is that okay?”

Aunt Jessie turn to face me while wiping her hand.

“Sure but you sure you can go out?”

“Yeah its okay. I'm fine.” I smile reassuring her.

“Who is it?”


“Who is your friend?”

I gulp heavily as I process my mind with a name.

“Henry.” I blurted.


“Yeah. His new at school so he ask me to hang out.”

“Is Jannet coming with you guys?”

“Uhm...actually no. Its just me and...Henry.”

Josh where the hell are you? Aunt Jessie squint her eyes and look at me.

“Okay. Just be careful.”

“Thanks.” After a few couple of minutes, I can hear a car engine outside. That must be him. Wait a minute, I shouldn't get exited by this. Even if this is the first time any guy have ever ask me out, I still can't shake that anxious feeling. Okay, I'm allowed to be nervous.

I walk outside as I see Sarah leaning down the car window and talking to Josh. I walk slowly to them and as I were coming near, Sarah turn around  to look at me. She scowl at the sight of me like I'm an ugly retarded alien. I keep an expressionless face so that she won't know how bothered I am with the look she gave me. 

“What do you want?” She ask spitefully.

“I wanna get in the car.”

Sarah snorted at my remark. “Go away freak.” She turn to Josh and pretend to apologize for my freakiness. I shrugg and turn to walk away when Josh suddenly yelled.

“Mason! Get in the fucking car.”

I brace my self and turn back. I gather every will and bravery that I had in me which were not an easy thing to do at all and say “If you haven't notice, I can't.” I look at Sarah and gave her the 'your on my way bitch' look.

“Josh...where are you going with this shit head?” Sarah look back from me to Josh.

“Me and the boys got some dirty work for him to do. Can't tell yeah.”

“Oh ok.” Sarah said calmly and lean against the window again.

“See you at school tommorow.” She stay there longer but I didn't hear what she were saying. God is she one desperate bitch. I heard how she and Jessica Amber, Josh's girlfriend, never get along. From what Jannet told me. When Josh and Sarah had a one night stand together, she might've thought that Josh like her but then the next day, at school, Jessica and Josh announce that they were dating by wearing a matching ring and making out in public.

She was pissed. No wonder she was yelling and throwing stuff in her room all week.

I didn't realized I was in a daze when Sarah bumped my chest hard making me grab them with a scowl in my face.
She snorted at me and walk into the house.

I look at her back figure and throw any hate and spiteful remark I had in me at her.

“Get in!” Josh yelled again. I turn to Josh and walk towards the door. When I get in and before putting my sealbeat, Josh pree the engine hard making me slumpe on my back as the car flew forward.

“Ouch! Can you slow down?” I ask barely whispering. Josh glance at me but didn't say anything.

After 10 minute of driving I felt anxious. Even though we haven't got that far, it feels like a long drive if you include the ridiculously awkward silence.

I breath through my mouth slowly. “Where we going?” I ask not looking at him.

“Outside the city ”


Josh glance at me angrily. His sculptured eyebrows furrow making me sink into my sit deeper than I already was.

“Why...why are we going outside the city? I thought you wanted to...”

“Cause I can't risk being seen with you.”

I look at him. His dark brown eyes and hair shine with the street light and pass by cars spotlight making his jaw flaunt in its powerful structure and often would he clenched his mouth making the vine at his jaw visible. No wonder everyone's crazy about this guy but his embarrassed of me. Of course he is. I mean who wouldn't. Sometimes I even think that Jannet is kinda embarrased to be my friend.

I look away. Somehow hurt by his statement. I willed myself not to let any tears overwhelmed my fellings. God I'm so sensitive its not even normal.

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