Chapter 4

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       You know when in the morning you wake up and feel like you don't want to but have to cause you have school to go to and you feel like everything is gonna go wrong that day? Today is that day...for me. I wake up with huge emotion which I don't know where its coming from and I just can't help myself but hate everything that annoys me.

     That includes douche bag of a sister. He barge into my room when I was getting ready for school.

"Hey shithead! Mind telling me where you go Saturday night?"

Boy does she look piss.

"Uhm...I went to a party with Jannet. What's wrong?"

"You mean the senior party right? That's only for seniors stupid...who said you could go!?"

Sarah crossed her arm and stared down at me like I just committed a crime or something.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it was for seniors only." I said almost pleading and I just had to lie about it or she's gonna kill me with his madness.

      She raised her finger to me as a warning. "Wached it. Next time it won't be a secret from grandma and grandpa." Sarah walk out of the room and smash the door close maing the room echoed.


        Just like any normal and usual days, I arrived to the school with the bus. As I was walking inside the front door, a huge figure walk from behind, passing by me.

       My heart beats faster than usual since the guy was so close and huge that I could smell his cologne. I lifted my head a bit to see who it was but can't quite figure it out since he has his back turn to me. I ignore the incident. Maybe the guy didn't see me.

I mean that's the whole point right?

     I arrived at the my locker which is in the first floor by the way. All of the seniors are in the second one. Our school is not that huge but still there's still too many human being lingering around.

I open my locker and take out the books that I needed to use in class.

"Hey handsome." Jannet appear beside me and lean on the locker.

I snorted at his remarks.

"I'all say hi beautiful if that's what you wanna hear from me."

She pout and punch me lightly in the shoulder. I smile at her and we walk to first period together.

We enter the class and sit down at our usual sit. I sat at the last row in the back of the class while Jannet sit in front of me.

"Did you hear?"

Ramon who sat beside Jannet turn to face her.

"About what?" Jannet ask back while looking at me.

"They say David, the seniors that host the party caught couples of guys on 11th grade. They say the guys were beaten to a pulp for trashing the seniors party."

Jannet eyes widen and I gave him the 'I told you so look' but clearly she can't see my face so she looks back at Ramon.

"Seriously?" Jannet ask him and I can hear the nervous tone in her voice.

"Yeah and the David guy said that his gonna track down the rest of the kids who trash his senior party. Damn am I glad I didn't go."

"Are you serious? You're not joking right?" Jannet look at Ramon with wide eyes.

"I don't think this is something you should joke about and seeing how nervous you are, I assume you went to the party. Am I wrong?"

Ramon smile wickedly at Jannet.

"You can't tell anyone."

"Dont worry, I won't but just be careful okay? I think they got resources so stay alert."

Ramon turn to the front when the guy in front call him.

Jannet turn his attention to me.

"What are we gonna do?"

"Don'worry, I think its not possible to track down everyone who came to the party. Besides I barely talked to anyone so I guess I'm safe."

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

"I talked to a David that night but I don't know if its 'the' David or just some random David. What if the David saw me at lunch? He would knew right away that I'm not a senior. Am I gonna get beaten?"

I laughed at Jannet's comment. Is she seriously thinking that she's gonna get punch in the face by a bunch of dudes?

"Sweet heart, you'll be fine."

"How would you know that and I'm scared for you too."

"Because you're a girl. Did you hear what Ramon said? They beat the 'guys'...not girls. Clearly all age levels of girls are allowed to the party. You'll be fine." I said reassuring Jannet.

"You really think so?" I nod.

"What about you?" She ask again.

"I barely talk to any..." I stop talking when I suddenly remember the drinking game. All the dudes there seem to look like seniors. Oh shit.

"What?" I look at Jannet as she look at me to wait for my next word.

"I had..."

"Good morning class. "

The teacher came in and Jannet turn her attention to the front.

I can't focus in what was Mr.Adam was talking about. All I could think about was the stupid game. I'm sure those dudes won't remembered me right? I mean since they were all drunk and loud they wouldn't recognize me. The problem is I don't recognize them either.

I could hardly remembered anything that happen at the party.

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