Chapter 43

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"Oh well, hello there. Are you one of Skyler's friend?" Aunt Jessie confusingly ask Josh.

"No, I'm his boyfriend." He said sternly.

What?! No I'm not. Since when did he have the gut to admit such connections between us?

"No, we're not." I protest to Aunt Jessie, already on my feet in front of her and Josh.

"Yes, yes we are." The stern look he have on his face was enough to tell me that I shouldn't push the topic nor denied it anymore. So, I did what I do best, stay quiet and wait for Aunt Jessie to speak up.

"Well, okay then. Skyler, you never told me you have a 'special friend'. What's your name dear?" Aunt Jessie forward the question towards me but soon after focus his attention to Josh.

"Josh Hart. You must be the lovely Aunt."

"Oh please, call me Jessie and thank you for such compliments. It's really hard to find a grown up teenage with a decent attitude nowadays. Oh god, what am I rambling about? Come down and have some tea. Skyler, are you feeling a bit better?"

Woah Aunt Jessie. I've never seen her act so...polite before, but then again, she's always polite and kind to other people. One of the many traits inherited in mom side's of the family.

"I haven't properly sleep yet." I said.

"Well you should go to bed then. And Josh, I assume you didn't use the front door when you came in didn't you?"

Josh shook his head but I could see the confidence he held upon his gesture. As if it was not a big deal.

"Well then, let me show you the way down and we're gonna have to give Skyler some rest. Come on."

Aunt Jessie extend her arm as a sign to invite Josh downstairs and before he could disappear behind the door, Josh gave me a knowing look that says 'we have an unfinished business to talk about.'

After they vanished down the stairs, I could feel the earth beneath my ground shaking. My head spins and I could only lay down in the bed to continue my disturbed sleep.

New York? Boyfriend?

What in the world was he thinking? He should've take Jessica to New York, not me.

Are all his feelings for me even true? Does he really like me? To the extend of moving away with me to New York? Whatever he said, it was no joke. It was no choice. He wanted me in his life. He wanted me beside him and god knows somehow I just can't take his word for it.

Three months ago, he didn't even knew I existed. I, on the other hand could only catch a glimpse of him and his friends when they walk through the school hall rather loudly. But now, he'd declared his love for me? Is it even love?

Gah!!! I don't know. I need to sleep. Yes, sleep. I'll sleep through it. Of course.


Josh Hart

"Would you prefer coffee, or tea?" She walks to the cabinet in the kitchen to fetch me whatever it is in there. I gotta say for a lady, she seems rather strangely polite. Or is she just weird like that? Shit, no. I'm not supposed to be insulting her like that. I have a bigger problem to think off.

"'s fine." I said.

"Okay then. Coffee it is. So, Josh is it?"

She turn to glance at me before taking two cups from the top cabinet.


"How long have you been not using the front door?"


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