Chapter 31

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  "What did you say to him?"

The look on Josh face was terrifying but I still wanted to prove something.

"That I'll think about it."

Josh nod his head and look to the ground. His fist clenched and lips thin.


With that he walk to the window and took off.


       After I thought Josh had took off, the window open again and an angry Josh Hart climb in through it. He land on the ground and stomp towards me like the ground he walk on is burning his feet.

"Did you left something?"

He stop in front of me with raged eyes and balled fist. I was already scared at the moment but then, he grabs me between my armpits and throw me to the wall.

When my back collide with the wall, I groan in pain as it was too much. The impact had my head spinning and my whole body ache. I look up to Josh and saw a hint of guilt in his eyes but the feelings left and soon as his raged come back again.

He stop in front of me as I look up to him.

"Get up." He command.

I slowly stand on my feet. As soon as I stand, I try to distance myself as far as possible even though they weren't much space to get away with in the first place.

"Now you listen to me cause I'm gonna tell you this one time only. You're gonna stay away from that fucker and if I ever see any faggot touch you or even talk to you, I'm not gonna hesitate to hurt them and trust me when I say I'm gonna hurt you the most."

His eyes were widened with rage as he grab the collar of my neck and his face is just inches away from me. Every word that he spat, had me trembling against the wall.

Why is he doing this?

What have I done to him to make him so mad?

I felt like escaping but God knows that's not gonna happen now.

"You hear me?" Josh hiss.

I nod frantically and try to escape his grip but as usual, its useless.

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me..."

With that, Josh walk away and somehow I'm relieved knowing that he might not be back to throw me to the wall again this time.

As Josh feature gone in front of me, I just stood there, wondering what in the world just happen. Is he jealous? Is Josh freaking Hart jealous that I might be with someone?
But that's not good though. How come he got to have a girlfriend while I can't even make a new friend. But since Luke intentions is no where near being a friend then I think we can cut that out.

But still why did he tell me to stay away from any guys? Can I not be with the people I like? Huhhhh....this is so not healthy for my brain.

His making me do it again. His making me think whether he like me or whether this is all just some mind games. His making me have hope that there would be a day where we, two opposite world can be with each other. His doing it again. But the question is, why did I let him?

Yeah that's the question I think we all trying to find. We let people use us the way they want to and when everything strike us in the head like a dumb snail, we go around blaming other people even though we're the one to be blame for letting ourselves be so weak and fragile.

The more I think about it the more angrier I get when I realize I had been letting myself use by Josh. I thought he would like me or even want to be with me in the first place but it seems that everything is nothing but lies and tricks.

I cannot let myself be use like this anymore. I demand to be respect and treated the right way.

But the problem is....

His so scary...*wail all alone.*


Josh Hart

"Dude, I'm so excited! I can't wait to go to college and have me some booties. I heard the bitches in college are smokin hot."

Jesus!!! This guy is fucking loud. I know you're trying to tell every single soul in this cafeteria that don't really give a shit but, come on...fucking shut up.

"Dude, seriously?" I look up to David who's literally putting his big fat ass on the table.

"What? Oh come on dude. Don't act like you're not excited. I mean you're the one who's probably gonna have the most...ouch...the fuck!?"

Before David can continue, Jessica and if you don't remember, she's my girlfriend, smack his arm.

"Don't be a dick David. The only guy getting some bootie from cheap hoes around here is you. Josh and I decided that we're gonna go to the same college."

Jessica wrap his hand and tangle his leg around me. Pretty much like an octopus. Fuck, I swear she's getting clingy and since when did we decided to go to college together? I can't even decide if I should sleep naked or wear something let alone deciding college. Fuck my life.

But all of this bullshit mean less to me than the fact that some fucking faggot trying to win up Sky and it helps so much that the fucking bitch smiles back. I thought I make myself clear.

Well...I guess its not that clear considering his being a cheap hoe. Fuck I'm so mad!!!

I'm literally drilling holes on his face so that he'll notice me and stop being such a cheap bitch but noooo....he decided to just saw me staring at him and fake like he didn't even notice me in the first place. God if only I could hate-fuck him right here, right now.

"Baby did you hear what I just said?"

I turn to look at Jessica and pretend to hear whatever the fuck she's saying.

"Yeah sure whatever you like babe."

"You know, I'm not just some fucking doll stuck here!" She slam her food tray and walk away with her puppet.

Dang it! Looking at that level of anger, it seems like I won't be having any pussy this week. But, that's fine I guess.

Wait, shit! I sound so gay just now.

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