Chapter 39

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       Two month ago, if you asked me if I believe in love or know what love is...I would say its just a bunch of bullshit that alien puts inside humans head when they invade earth without us knowing. I would also say that love doesn't exist and its delusional.

But if you asked me now,

I would most likely say that I am madly fucked up over someone who turn my world upside down and shake the earth beneath my ground. But still, I still want to love him even though he'll hurt and left me in pieces. Because right now, the only thing that matter was that he is mine and we belong to each other.

With the common addition...forever.

       I climb in his window like a maniac. Like I'm some drug addict trying to get to his buyer cause he ran out of stuff to sniff except he wouldn't use the window because his not madly in love with his buyer.

           As always, Sky's window were always unlockd as if inviting me to crash  over his house everyday and night.
There were no one in the room and I could hear voices coming from downstairs. Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to wait here, in this small comfy bed.

I landed on the bed and take in the scent of his pillow. It smells kinda like a sour flower. I don't have any idea what kind of flower it is but I'm sure as hell gonna remember this smell.

Like I said, I'm an addict and at this point, I'm sniffing the pillow like its a fucking drug that keeps my insanity on ground.

I turn and roll around the bed as much as possible. Fuck! Being in his bed is just not enough. I need him wrapped around my arm and moan against my chest.

Fucking hell! I'm so dirty.

        After about 30 minutes of staring at the ceiling and going through his stuff, the door finally open and boy did I want to get back at him for making me wait this long.

Nobody makes Josh Hart wait this long.

I quickly step behind the door and hide in the darkness that had lumed me since I came in through the window.

Sky close the door and turn on the light. I slowly crept behind him and when he walks to his bed, not aware of my existence at all, I jump on him and when we both half way falling to the ground, I switch around, making me landed on the floor with a not so soft thud.

"Mah...!!!" He screams.

      I quickly close his mouth and shush him.

"Its me." I said, in case he still doesn't have any idea who I am.

Sky turn around to look at me and when his eyes connected with mine, I can feel Josh junior inside my pants going crazy.

Its been a while since I really look into those beautiful blue eyes. How it turns me on to no end and if I were to repeat myself, its probably the reason why I'm so fucked up nowadays.

"What are you doing here?" He ask adorably slow.

"I...wansyou." I mumbled like hell cause god knows I'm not saying those words exactly.

"What?" His eyebrows furrow.

"I'm not gonna say it again okay?"

I released him from the grip and stand up. Somehow I can feel the longing that my body aroused.

"Say what again?"

"Its nothing."

Sky stand on his feet and walks to sit on the chair at his desk.

"So, what are you doing here?"

Good god!

I roll my eyes and were second away from yelling 'Cause I fucking miss you' on top of my lungs but, you know the drill.

"I followed a white fucking rabbit with a big ass watch on its neck."

"Hehehe...he sound ghetto." He giggled.

His laugh were strangely addictive and I didn't even realize how addictive it is till I unconsciously told him to laugh again.

"What?" Sky ask?

"What?" As if snap from my own daydream, I had no idea what just happen.

"You ask me to laugh again."

"No, I didn't." I protest strongly.

"Okay, if you say so."



"Nothing." That's me.

Lame ass piece of shit. God...what is he doing to me?

"Look, could you please just come over here?" I gesture my hand to the bed.

When I heard no response, I look to Sky and saw his expression. He smile in amusement as his eyes glint from the lighting of the room.

"What? What are you smiling for?"

"You said...please." He hesitantly said.

"Yeah, so?"

Mason shrugged his shoulder but move to sit beside me anyway, whatever the fuck he meant by it. But still, how can he sit like I'm gonna kick him off the bed any second? Might as well sit 100 feet away from me in this distance.

"Dude! I'm not gonna bite. Closer." I scold.

"No, I'm good over here." Sky join his hand on his lap and stared at the ground.

But I wasn't having it and for sure I don't have any strength to hold it in me so, I pull his arm until he landed right on top of me. I clenched his small body as our groin touch and boy did it felt as amazing as waking up late on a Saturday.

"Josh, no. Let go."

Mason struggle against my grip and the more he struggle, the more I hold on to him like we're stuck on each other or something. After a while, he stop moving around and just give in.

"This is not healthy Josh." He said.

"You've changed. You talk too much. You should shut that mouth, you look better that way."

"You mean, I should stop talking to you?"

"No!!!" I jolted in surprise.

I can feel the friction on my chest when he let out a sigh and shook his head.

But eventually, he shut up. We stay in that position until I let him go for a moment to go turn off the lamp. But when he come back to bed, I pull him to my side and spoon him.

Almost at every corner of my fucking heart, I was saying how this moment will always be buried in my memories and surely when I regret something in my life, I would turn back to this time. This one in a million times.

"Hey." I called him.


"I'm not going anywhere. Just so you know."

And I meant it. I don't think I could be anywhere without him anymore. If I'm fucked up before, then I'm surely fucked up now.

Like fucking teenage pregnancy fucked up except no one is pregnant and I fucked Sky one time. Two? I don't remember.


"Okay." He replied.

That night, I were able to sleep with a smile. I sleep in comfort and the bed feels ten thousand time better than the 700 hundred dollars bed in my room.

Fucking amazing!

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