Chapter 46

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10 years later...

          I look at the face around me and think about the possibilities of the people here would be at least...true. He had his enemies and allies but god knows that he can't take all of those power and money with him down to his death chambers now. If you go, you go alone. If you die, you'll sleep in darkness.

When the funeral ends, everybody walk away leaving what's left of his family. Me, Remy, Daniel, Anastasia and Lily. All different child with different mothers. But we can't really blamed him anymore now that his gone. Let him rest in peace, they say.

"So, I will be heading back to the office. If anyone needs anything, don't bothered calling, cause I won't be answering." That's Remy. Rude, smart ass and mental. He hated dad for shipping his girlfriend to another country but he never showed the pain. But its there, in his spoken outcome.

"Remy you should at least go home and met your mom first. She must be devastated." Anastasia as in the oldest of the sister spoke up.

"Devastated? Please Anastasia, don't act all dumb. We all know that after this, its war." Remy threatened calmly.

"It doesn't have to be." Lily said again. Her faint voice barely heard. Out of all the siblings, Lily would be the most kind one. But its becoming a real problem cause instead of being just kind, she let people step all over her head. Like she's not worth any second of it.

"Yes it does." Daniel said. He removed his sunglasses that had kept his swollen drunken face in hiding. "No one knows who he left all the money for."

"Well, I'm sure it won't be you." Remy said again.

"Oh go fu..."

"Daniel!" Anastasia yelled. "I know you don't have any kind of ethics or manners but watch yourself. You're in the middle of a graveyard."


While in all those chaos, I stood in front of him. The dead him. I think about the things I can do now that his not here to stop me. Not anyone. And it's obvious enough that the only thing I could think of right now is him.


That boy, no-his at least 25 years old now. That man I have been longing for so long. You would thought after all this time I would forget about his existence but no, I just can't. Maybe because I refused my heart to let him go. Waking up every night and crying my eyes out was just not enough to put the pain away. Staring into the air in a board meeting isn't enough to make me forget my love for him. Trying to wheeled my car into a cliff or overdosing was just not enough. It was just not enough.

I wonder what his doing? What he became of? Or is he still thinking about me like how I think about him everyday? Like how I begged for his warmth every night?


I wake up from my trance when Remy voice boomed in my thoughts. I look up to him and see the way he look at me, weirdly.


"Come on. We need to head back to the office. We have a meeting with France in one hour." He explain.

I let out a heavy breath. Now's the time. The time to escape from my own life and be free from my own darkness.

"Remy, we need to talk." I said as I walk towards the car, waving goodbyes to Lily and Anastasia. Remy strolled behind me as we talk our way through.

"About what?"

Over the years, Remy and I have become friends, not siblings, but friends. We shared our story and solved problems together. The company is in greater hands when I join Remy in Executive Manager for the company. We make our way through the business field and somehow we made it. We succeed as a matter of fact. But still, we get into each other skins. He is just so fucking annoying and rude, it's ridiculous.

"About me."

"Okay. What is it?" He said, his hands in his pocket.

"I quit."

Remy smirk at me and look away before he look at me again.

"You've been missing your appointment with the shrink again Joshua?" He ask but the tone was enough to show that his mocking me.

"I mean it. I quit. I'll pack my things this afternoon and move out of the pent."

"And where will you go exactly?"


"Home as in?"

"Heavenly Bee."

"Heaven what?"

Shit this guy have trouble hearing.

"Good luck with the company."

Remy look dumbfounded but I then again, out of all people would know that his jumping in joy now that he owns all the company to himself.

"You need to hear the old man will first."

"I'll send Frank." My attorney.

"Okay. Whatever you say. I guess more for me then."

He gave me a nod and proceed to walk to his car. I look at his grave once again before I took off. God knows I won't be coming here for the longest time possible.

I escaped through the road of the graveyard fast enough like there's a hurdle of zombies chasing me. I pick up my phone and call my maid to pack my clothes. I can't stand here for one second anymore. God knows I'll go crazy. It's bad enough that I already am.

"Marla. Pack my clothes. All of them." I said when she pick my calls on the fourth ring.

"Okay sir."

I ended the call and head my way to the company. Pack my stuff, move out and walk away. Walk away from all of the things I've been dealing with for the past 10 years.

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