Chapter 38

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            I'm stoked that I can finally get out of this hell hole. They were calling names one at time, you know, the usual stuff. I was elected to give a mind blowing commencement speech and man, I'm gonna blow some mind for sure. I reinforced Mason to write the speech. If it were up to me, I would just walk on that stage and make them sing We Are The Champion or something. But that would suck, a lot.

So, I drag Mason ass over to my house and make him sit on my so-called study desk and make him wrote it while I stared at his face like an idiot. But its worth it though. I swear he gets more beautiful every single day.

"Finished." Sky called out.

    I woke up from my trance as Mason put the speech in front of me.

"What the fuck? Why is it so long?"

The damn thing is almost two pages. People are gonna throw a tantrum before I could even finish.

"You said to make it epic. Epic things comes with greater words."

"I don't wanna read all that. You read it." I push the paper to him.

"Wha? But, don't you have to remember it?"

"Of course I do, but first I want you to read it and I wanna make sure that it fucking blows my mind."


Sky grabs the paper and I watch as his eyes search through the pages. He lick his lips before reading and by then I was already fucking transfixed.

Good god.

"What is the most powerful thing in the world?" He starts.

"Is it money? Is it magic? Is it love?  For me, the most powerful thing in the world would be words. How every capital when join to form words, sentences and power.

I'm sure everyone here with me would agreed that we have it hard. We push ourself and our limits to do things that we never knew what to do. We learn things, we achieve championship,  we make friends, we have fun and most importantly, we found ourself.

And when it comes to truly know yourself, you don't have to search high and low, far from civilization or underwater. If you want to find yourself, search for the things or people that you know, will be true to you.

In the future, we can choose what kind of jobs we do. We can choose who we'll share our life with and we can planned whatever there is to plan. But my fellow friend, we cannot choose to regret. We cannot choose to ignore the fact that we somehow will fail. So, if you fail now, then its fine. If you think you have nothing to do with your life now, then its fine. Time will change you, and you will change yourself.

So, find yourself. Do mistakes and fail as much as you can. So when we fail again, its gonna be nothing but an old friend."

I open my arm in the air as a sign of life changing moment. The crowd stand on their feet and clap their hands in amusement for me.

Shit, this feels amazing.

            We walk out of the halls and gathered around to throw our hats. The team and I were so fucking happy like a bunch of retarded kids getting a freaking lollipops.

I mean why not?

We're gonna be adults. We're gonna go to college and everything so, yeah...we should be kinda excited.

It was an amazing view seeing all of the hats in the air tough.

We were cheering and laughing like its our last time and I'm kinda sad actually. I feel like I have to go somewhere really far and I don't want that. Not before my dead body.


That voice. I know that horrid voice from anywhere. No, it couldn't be him. But when I turn around, it was already too late. It is him. The last person on this earth I want to think or see.

My father, aka Andrew Miles Hart.


"Dad. What are you doing here?" I ask in astonishment. The smiles and joy on my face completely disappears.

He looks old. Maybe because I haven't seen him since 4 years or something.

"How can I miss my own son's graduation? I'm planning on staying here a few weeks. Maybe we could spend time and talk business?"

"How's Jenna?" I changed the topic cause I fucking as hell know there's something weird going on and I'm not about to believe a word this old man said to me.

Jenna is my step mom. Young, slutty and a gold digger for sure.

"Don't ask something you know you don't care Josh. I don't appreciate the attitude. But if you must know, she's fine."

"Okay." I acknowledge his stupid stern answer and walk back to my team.

"I'll see you at home then." He shout from afar.


         David's graduation party were epic. Most of the seniors were there celebrating their last moment with their high school friends and that includes me.

I party like crazy and drink the same. Dance to the blasting music and do stupid things as much as I can. But all of that last about 10 minutes into the party.

When it gets out of control, I couldn't do it anymore. It was too pathetic and boring. And holly fuck all I could think about is Mason.

I rubbed my aching forehead from thinking too much about that guy. I want him. I want him bad. I want him so bad that I swear I'm gonna kidnapped him.

But I won't, cause that kind of shit is not healthy as fuck.

When the guys were having the time of their life, I sneak out through the back door and walk to Mason's house.

I have to see him. I need him.
Or I swear I'm gonna go nuts.

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