Chapter 49

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       I watch as his every move ignited something in me. His pointy nose and sapphire blue eyes bedazzle in mine. He smiles warmly at me as we both sat across from each other and eat breakfast.

When I'm trying to go back into time, it feels like just yesterday when I caught him drunk in the middle of the party and bring him up into the room. I guess that steamy jerking session was the thing that got me hooked in the first place. No wait, it was his eyes, as I get to know him, it has become all of his being that had me fall head over heels, badly, but in the most greatest way.

"Stop staring at me." He whined in embarrassment.

I didn't say anything. I just keep on staring and engulfing myself in each and every details he provides to my eyes.

God, this man is beautiful!

Be it the 10 years since I last saw him or the longing in my heart but if I were to be honest, he is the most amazing, beautiful, enchanting...

"Did you hear what I just said?"

I wake up from my trance when I realize his been waiting for an answer for something.

"No, not exactly."


I smirk at his pout.

"What did you say?" I ask again.

"I said if you want, you can come and meet aunt Jessie tonight, at dinner. But no pressure or anything. My grandparents are gonna be there too."

"Sure, why not?"


"Yeah, I mean...sooner or later I have to meet them anyway right?"


Sky stir his cereal blankly before he look up at me and I somehow can spot the hesitation in his blue eyes.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Anything." I smile reassuringly.

"Don't know worried about what people might say? About you, about us?"

Why does he have to be so innocent?

"Look babe, listen. I don't give two shit about what people are gonna say. All I want is you and now that you're here with me, there's just no way that I'm gonna messed this up. You're too important for me to care about anything else. Okay?"

Sky eyes widen at my confessions but I just gotta tell him how much he meant to me. My heart begs me to spill it all out to the point that his gonna be sick hearing it cause that's just how much I need him.

"Okay." After a moment of silence, he smile warmly and started eating again.


         I watch again as he put on his clothes at the edge of the bed. The little bit of muscle he have, stretch, popping a couple of vines along the way.

I don't know how is it possible for me to let him off my bed.

"You workout." I stated.

"Yeah, I thought that I'm never gonna play any sport but somehow in college, my roommates make me do baseball. It was fun."


"Yup. I'm still playing it with my friends, weekend night at the local stadium. I love it if you could join in sometimes. I want to introduce you to the guys."

"Baseball? Friends? Guys? As I recall, you're a loser Mason."

"You can say that again." He giggled. "But like I said, I've changed and somehow people like that I smile more and laugh more. Oh! Jannet's gonna be there with her baby so you'll definitely have to join us."


"Jannet. My best friend?"

I try to make out a female figure and try to remember if I have ever met a Jannet. How come I've never met Sky's best friend and as I came to realize, I think Jannet's is the girl that usually seat with him at recess time.

Oh, that girl.

I can see from the corner of my eyes, Sky shook his head while putting out a sly grin.


“I don't know how come you've never noticed Jannet. I'm always with her back in high school."

I move closer to Sky and hug his back. Tracing my hand on his torso, feeling this amazing warmth in my heart.

"Maybe because you were very distracting." I kiss the corner of his jaw and just keep on inhaling his scent.

He smell so good. I bet even when his sweaty and smelly, he would still smell good to me.

Shit! I love him way more than I should but fuck it, I'll love him like crazy if I want too.

"Don't change the subject. I gotta go."

Sky stand up and started to walk out to the door but not before I grab his wrist and pull him onto me. He fell on my lap as I straddle him in my arm.

"Stop. Let me go you sticking monkey." He laughed playfully. "I need to go. I have to go to work, unlike someone."

"Hey..." I protest.

"What? It's true."

I roll my eyes but nevertheless hold him in my arms tightly.

"Promise me you'll come back." I whisper as I unconsciously keep on hanging onto him.

"Of course I will. Why would you think that I won't?"

"I'm just anxious I guess."

"Well don't be. I don't like it that you keep thinking I'm gonna run away."

"I've been so stupid."

"About what?"

I look up to Skyler and look at his blue eyes. Those eyes somehow is just pulling me into a world of hiding and dreamy.

"If I know you're gonna be this important in my life, I should've treated you better. But no, I just had to be such a dick about it."

Suddenly I can feel myself getting angry of how I've acted back then.

"I don't deserve you baby."

"Hey hey hey hey, don't say that. You deserve me as much as I deserve you. I don't care what you did back then because we know that this moment is the time. We had our hard time. So let's stop having a hard time and just live okay?"

He look at me reassuringly and smile like I'm the only person in this world who can see that smile.

"You forgive me?" I put my forehead on top of his.

"Of course. Momma use to say that people who apologizes to other people is not a small person and those who is willing to forgive others have a big heart."

"That's beautiful baby."

"Beautiful words from a beautiful woman."

"I'd love to meet her."

I know that his parents passed away and how can I forgot the story that Jessie told me? It's the only thing that I usually think of when I worried about his whereabouts. How his managing his life and how is he getting through tough times. Everything matters.

"Whenever you want to."


"So soon?"

"I don't wanna wait anymore."
Sky smile again and nod.

"Of course."

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