Chapter 7

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I sat on the bed while Bob finishes my history homework. I stare at his back. For a 17 year old kid, his pretty small...and skinny and lame. My eyes hurt so bad every time I saw this guy.

I mean why does he have to be such a freak? But I wonder what he would look like when I cut that stupid long hair of his and buy him some decent clothes. Great...I'm doing charity now.

Along the line, I hold my hard dick. This isn't right. The reason I invited him to my house is because...


shit I don't even know why.

I'm not gay.

I'm not gay.

I'm not gay.

I keep fucking told myself that every night and I've never been more right but when I see Bob, its like I'm a completely different person. He shattered my whole confident and believes which make me super fume with anger.

I don't know what I'm feeling for him but I'm gonna find out. Maybe its just sex. Maybe because he happen to have a really nice ass and I wanna try it out. Yeah...that seems more logic. Maybe I just wanna experience something new for a while. You know,changing sides. Well if that's the case, then I better get to it.

"You're gay right?" I ask and his body tensed at my question.


"That's not what I saw at the party." I pick the sport magazine on the night stand and flip the pages pretending to read it. Bob turn around to face me.

"The party? What happen? What did you saw?"

I can hear the nervous tone in his voice but I can't fucking see his eyes with those stupid hair. Seriously...can he fucking see anything?

"Dude do you fucking see anything with that stupid hair?" I yell at him. Don't know why I did it though.

Shit I don't think I know how to be nice to him. He drop his face and look at his feet. His definitely hurt. I'm a really sick guy cause I'm enjoying this.

"Seriously, get a hair cut or something. You look dumb." I said again not looking at him.

I heard him faintly mumble something.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Are you finish yet?"

"No. I still have three thousand words to go."

Shit. I never really done any of my homework so I have no idea what his talking about. We have a homework like that? Now I'm really not bothered on doing anything at all.

"Good. Finish it faster so you can get the fuck out of my house."


He turn around and continue writting. I hope his fuck out of ideas cause I really want him to stay longer. Like really longer, he had to spend the night.

My iPhone buzz. Its a text from Jessica.

Babe. Me u dinner tonight. *_^ dessert is on me. Like really, on top of me.


I'm gonna score me some booty tonight. Damn I'm so horny. I blame the hormones. I turn to look at Bob. Wonder what it feels like if I'm fucking him. But he doesn't have a vagina.

So how do fag have sex?

I make a mind note to check that shit up later.

K. I'll enjoy it so hard.

I put down the phone and walk towards Bob. I stand behind and lean my right arm beside him. My face is close to his ear and I can smell his hair. It smells like strawberry? Wait what? You gotta be fucking me.

Bob look up at me and immediately turn his attention back to the paper. I glance at him. His really nervous. Well I don't blame him. Since I'm sexy as hell, I'm sure his hoping something from me.

I keep leaning down beside him and watching the paper even though I don't know shit about what his writing.

My phone buzz again. That's probably Jessice texting back. Oh well...the fuck with her.

I stand up straight and lean my back at the desk. I croosed my arm at my chest.

I can't let him go home like this. I gotta have some progress.

"You wanna know what really happen at the party that night?" I ask with an evil smile on my face. He stop writing and nod without even bother looking at me. Fuck! I really wanna see his eyes. His fucking gorgeous eyes.

"First, you brush that stupid hair out of your face first."

He jolted his head up and slightly open his mouth to say something but close it back. I can faintly see the dark blue eyes between his hair.

"I can't." He said.

"Why not?"

"You're gonna hate it. I...I'm ugly. I'm gonna hurt your eyes."

Shit he has some serious insecure issues.

"I don't think you heard me clearly. Its not a favour and I don't think you have a choice here." Bob look down and shake his head.

"I...I gotta go. I'm sorry."

He pack his thing and just when he wake up from his sit, I push his shoulder down really hard and he hissed in pain.

I lean my face near his ear.

"I said fucking brush those stupid hair off your face shithead." I whisper at his ears through clenched teeth and his breathing becomes more rapid.

Bob were closing his eyes tightly and he push aside his hair. My hand grip his small shoulder tighter.

"Open your eyes." I command.

He slowly open his eyes and by then I grab his chin hard and turn his face to look up at me.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

His beautiful. Goddamn I can feel my groin getting hard. If it wasn't because of my alternate ego, I would've screwed him right there right now.

"Hmph...yeah you're right. I hate it. You look like a sissy." I lied and push his face from my grip harshly.

I walk back to my bed and lay down while rubbing my growing crotch. My heart is beating fast.

"Now get the fucking homework done." I yelled as he quickly brush his hair to cover his face.

"Aren't you gonna tell me what happened at the party?" His voice's real slow that I can barely hear anything.

"Fuck no."

"Okay." He turned his back and continue to write.

Fuck. I gotta have him. With a face like that, I bet he can make any guy and girls fall to his feet and beg for his affection. Just the thought of another guy wrapping their dirty hands on him make me super rage with anger. Am I jealous? I can't be. That's not possible. I don't like him. I just wanna fuck him.

What the hell is going on with me? My mind says those thing but my heart ache at those thoughts. Am I really gay?

"Ahhh!!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I turn to look at Bob at the door.

What? Why is he standing at the door? Did he just planning on escaping? You know what, just leave.

"Just get the fuck out!" I snapped and Bob sprinted through the door fast.

I hold my head and lay down. My heart hurt. Why is it fucking acting that way?

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