Chapter 26

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       I was walking from home when a car pass and stop beside me. The window roll down only to reveal Josh majestic feature.

"Get in." He command.

Since I was in no mood to argue over anything, I got in the car. As soon as I buckle my seatbelt, Josh car sprint through the neighbourhood like a horse on fire though I have no idea why it would be on fire in the first place.

Whatever reasons there is, as soon as the image of burning horses slip through my mind, I let out a small chuckle. I cover my mouth when I  realize the weird little sound that had come out from my mouth.

"What's so funny?"

"Sorry. Nothing."

"Then why the hell did you laugh."

"I was just...I...its nothing. Really."

"Tell me." The note in his voice sounded more like an order instead of a favour. I was very much afraid but I don't think I have any choices right now.

"Burning horses." I chuckled. Is this suppose to be funny? In terms of nature and environmental, burning a horse is a very inhuman thing to do but I'm laughing.

Nuhh...I'm weird.

"What?" Josh ask again.

"Burning horse."

"Oookay...what the hell does that suppose to mean?"

"Uhm...I don't know. I...I just think that its funny. Don't you?"

Josh scoffed at my not very smart statement.

"You're weird Mason. You're one weird little guy."

I look away. Heart beating fast. He called me weird and I like it?

Oh my god. His right. I am weird. Gee there goes one of my lifetime talent.

Then he sigh. Why, I wonder myself. Does he have any problem? Does my existence and breathing is bothering him right now?

I hope not. I really do. The last thing I wanna do is be some burden to him.

"Where you taking me?"

"You'll find out."

After that, Josh took a left turn down the corner and stop the car.

I look outside the window and my eyes widen at the sight of the place.

Damon's Barber Shop.

"You're getting a haircut?" I ask hoping for the answer that I'm not actually thingking right now.

"No. You are. Get out." pretty hair. I don't want a haircut. I've grown this hair for so long and if I cut them, everyone would see my eyes and they...they...


I jolted in surprise when Josh scream beside the car window. I hesitantly pull off my seatbelt and open the door.

Josh pull the door wide open with a frowning face scaring me than I already am.

"But I don't want any haircut. I like my hair just fine." I mumble the last part so my life would be less on the risk of death.

"You look fucking ugly with that hair. I don't like it."


Josh snap his head and look at me directly in the eye. I look down to the ground hoping for any way out.

"Please don't make me do this." I whisper.

Josh sigh and push his hair back as I took a glance at him.

"Look Mason. You wanna avoid being a fucking freak then this is the way. Trust me. No one in school is gonna say anything about you being a freak."

With that, Josh walk inside the shop as I follow suit.

Dear me.

Josh Hart

1 hour earlier...

I was walking to parking with the team when my eye caught a glimpse of Skyler. Fucking hell.

I can't believe I kiss him in the store room. Can I be any more pathetic? I'm pathetic enough for actually liking that freak.

No! No. Its not his fault. Its me...I think.

Whatever man.

"Hey. Who's the emo kid with Jannet?"

Out of no where, Luke ask the team.

"I heard that guy is her friend but no one really know his name."

"Yeah. I heard his a queer."

"Why would the hottest chic in school like Jannet would be friends with a faggot like that?"

"I know right? I mean do you have to be a fucking faggot to get their attention or something?God...what's going on in this world?"

I don't want to admit it but I'm actually pissed right now. I seriously want to crush each and every piece of skull this assholes have.

They just don't talk shit about my faggot. His my faggot. Only I can talk shit about him. No one.

So instead of actually breaking those assholes skull, I followed Sky. I stop my car beside him and command him to get in.

Yes. I give orders. Quick and simple. Don't fucking judge me. You're not an angel either so you have no right whatsoever.

After he pull his seatbelt on, I drive off fast when out of no where, the little shit laugh to himself.

Fuck! That's cute.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Sorry. Nothing."

"Then why the hell did you laugh."

"I was just...I...its nothing. Really."

"Tell me."

"Burning horses."

The fuck?


"Burning horse."

"Oookay...what the hell does that suppose to mean?" Seriously...what the hell does that mean?

"Uhm...I don't know. I...I just think that its funny. Don't you?"

I scoffed. Not believing how fucking hard my is and dirty my thought are right now. Burning horse?

"You're weird Mason. You're one weird little guy."

Does he like those kinky kind of shit?

That's kinda adorable too.

Fucking hell! This Mason kid is really testing me.

When he look outside the window for a second I took the chance and fix my crotch that's about to burst out from my pants.

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