Chapter 37

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      I stared in awe with a blazing boner as Jessie walk down the stairs with his white lace dress.


She's beautiful for sure. But I still think its a little bit too much for a prom. The dress looks like a freaking wedding dress. I mean, geez...we're gonna have some fun and drink and make some babies, not marry the shit out of each other.

"You look amazing babe." I compliment her just because Mr.Jefferson were making a  hole on the back of my head.

"Thanks, you look handsome. I love you." She peck me on the cheeks.

"Okay guys, smile." Smoking hot mom Miss Jefferson hold the camera and snap a couple of shots. Actually, a lot but thank god she eventually stop when her husband snatch the camera away.

We both walk into the limousine, joining the others as we make our way to the biggest night of our lives.

Fucking prom.

       We enter the hall and the team automatically dance with their dates. The music were blasting out loud with the famous local band playing aka my arch enemy, Mike Cawson.

The piece of shit is emo as fuck but somehow people actually like him. Don't know why and don't wanna give a shit actually. The guy think his all that just because the girls go crazy for him.

A load of bullshit I tell you.

"Come on baby. Dance with me." Jessica pull my hand towards the dance floor and rub herself all over me.

That's right bitch.

We dance, drink and dance, make out, grab some boobs and ass and then dance again. It was crazy as fuck and probably one of the best night in my life. Well, not really.

"Okay everybody. Settle down." Principal Shaw went up the stage to announce the home coming King and Queen.

And what a fucking suprise.  Me and Jessica won. Seriously, everybody already knows.

Again, a load of bullshit.

One thing for sure was that by the end of the night, I'm drunk as fuck. Jessie already gone of with her bestie leaving me all horny and disturbing.

But its fine, I don't feel like doing anything with her. She's too old for me and by old I mean too long our relationship have been going.

Me and the boys do a couple more stupid things and piss off a couple of people later that night cause everyone know you only die once.

I also manage to piss off Mike Cawson when I make David ran up the stage and take off his clothes. That guy just love crazy party.

But boy, the look on Mike's face. I swear his eyebrows finally met after a long time of separation. I fucking as hell enjoy that shit happens. When David didn't stop, Mike  took off the stage and I heard people said that he went home.

Oops...not my bad.

After a really long night, we ride the limousin again and went home. The driver drop us home one at a time and still, we keep on drinking in the car.

My head feels like it's been stamped with water and the earth just don't wanna stand still.

Stupid ground.

After the driver drops off the last person whom I don't really recognize, I told the guy to drive to Mason's house.

Fuck! Even in this state, all I could think about is how beautiful his gonna look in his sleep. I don't wanna admit it and even if its the last thing I wanna say, I could've swear I'm in love with him.

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