Chapter 36

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In less than 10 minutes, I was able to drag Sky out of his house and into the world, or is it wild?

Fuck it.

He silently sat on his seat in the car and just stared out of the window. Doesn't he wanna know where I'm gonna take him? Why won't he fucking ask me?

"You know if I were as stupid as you are, I might as well just ask where we going?"

"I guess you are then."

"What the hell does that suppose to mean?"

"I don't know." He shrugged his shoulder.

Then, the conversation end.

"You have breakfast already?"

Sky shook his head.

"Me too. I guess we're gonna go eat breakfast then."

"Sure." This time, his voice doesn't seem cold. It was pleasantly soft. I guess I have to feed him some more next time.

We arrive to the same diner I took him last time. I always love that diner despite its located far away from town.

Its quiet, the food is great, Mason's here and what else can I ask for?

We took the furthest sit and settle on pancakes with scrambled eggs and crispy bacon.

Dang it. Looks like I gotta hit the gym after this.

We ate in silence and I would seldom look at him. Chewing and bitting on those pancakes. How his cheeks puff from too many food in his mouth.

Does he really have to be so starving and eat the whole damn thing? His acting fucking adorable, giving me a boner right in the middle of the fucking diner.

"So, where we going?" Sky open up his question.

Frankly speaking, I don't even know either.

I shrugged my shoulders and look outside. Kinda embarrassed actually.

"What does that suppose to mean?"

You know what? I think we both have in common about something.

We're both dumbass.

"It means I don't know stupid."

"Then where are we supposed to go?" Boy, back then he doesn't talk. Now, he can't keep his fucking mouth shut. I just feel like leaning over the table and shove my tongue up that throat.

"Just enjoy the ride I guess."

Sky let out a heavy breath and continue eating the food.

"I don't usually like rides." He said.

"Which one? The vehicle or theme park?"

He look at me with dull boring eyes as if mocking at how brainless I can be.

"Both actually."

"Why not?" I shove a piece of pancake into my mouth and look at him.

"Its nothing. I don't wanna talk about it."

"But you're the one who bring it up."

"I know. But I don't know why I did. Just forget about it." His entire demeanor screams hesitation.

"Just tell me okay?" I insisted.

"No." He stated with confidence in his voice eventough his eyes were filled with fear and reluctance.

"Why not?"

"Cause it has nothing to do with you and I don't want to ruin your mood with my sad childhood."

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