Chapter 21

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        The light upon the moon shine on the surface of the dark water making the water looks like sprinkle of crystals and stars.

“Come on.”

Josh went out of the car and proceed to the front of it and sit on the hood. I hesitantly get out. He won't kill me and dump me in the lake right? God I shouldn't have lied to aunt Jessie. Even if Sarah knows, she wouldn't bother finding my body or report Josh to the police. I'm very much sure about that.

“What are we doing here?” I ask standing beside the hood.

“I used to come here a lot with my dad. We would go fishing in the middle of the lake and caught this humongous fish.”

Josh gesture his hand to the size of the fish as his face lit with childhood memories but soon facade.

“I really used to love it here. I was planning to build a house in the middle of the lake with a bridge attach from the ground up too the house. It wouldn't be too big or too small, but just perfect.”

Josh had this weird kind of thing in his face which shows off his white teeth as his cheeks puff from the wide gesture. Oh my goodness, is that a dimple? Yes ladies and gentleman, he is smiling. He is really smiling. Wow. He looks not Josh. But a kid with innocent and pure dreams.

“Yeah...that would be really awesome.” I said calmly as all the fear had left my body. Instead a twinge of happiness overwhelmed me. Why am I happy? I'm supposed to hate him.

But why would you hate him?
Maybe because he threaten you to be his slave and then he forces you to have sex with him. Then out of no where, he push you to the floor and almost break your nose off. (My conxious yelling at me.)

I look at Josh as the bright moon shine upon his figure but seems to be darken around mine. Damn you moonlight. But suddenly Josh took off his jacket and his shirt.

“What are you doing?” I ask. Panic and embarrass.

“What do you think? I'm going for a swim. Come on. Take your clothes off.”

I step back and hug myself.
“Thanks but I'm fine.”

Josh took of  his jeans but stop when I decline his offer.

“Come on dude. I think we both know what had happen. Now take off your cloth or I'm gonna take it off for you.” Josh intensely look at me as he waited for me to remove my clothes.

“Okay, but just don't look at me.”

Josh snorted but still turn around and remove his boxers leaving me gasp like a girl and turn my eyes away.

“Hurry up pussy.”

Moments later I  can hear water splashing. I took in a deep breath and slowly remove my clothes. Making time for myself. Mentally and physically readying for any shit thats about to go down.

“You better hurry up Mason!”

Shit! Shit! Shit! I cover my body and went down the lake. Josh were swimming in the middle of the lake thankfully. I have no idea why I'm doing this.

Oh yeah I forgot. Josh threaten me. Of course.

I went down the water and felt a zap of coldness but refreshing feels oozed through my body. I play by the edge of the lake. The shallow part. Then, it occurs to me. Its too quiet. I glance around and notice Josh were gone. Tears began to fill my eyes as my mind think to the worst possibilities there is when suddenly a hand wrap around my waist and fast enough, I was thrown to the front harshly. My mouth were open so you can imagine what I'm dealing with.

“Oh my god.” I shiver from the coldness and laugh? at how great it feels. I push my long hair back and turn towards Josh.

Josh Hart

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

        As soon as he face me, every will power and dignity that I had crash down like a brick wall that had been bomb by a powerful nuclear, collapsed in no possible way it could be fixed ever again.

God his perfect. I slowly made my way towards him. Sky panic but stand still until my mouth were inches away from his lips. My dick is so hard right now that it's literally killing for me to not launch myself at Sky and fuck the shit out of him.

“Josh don't.” Sky whisper sounding like fucking music to my ear.

I look at him as he glances away. No! I grab his front hair and force his dark blue eyes to look into mine. I tilted his head upward making him wince in pain but still hold his eyes with mine.

I push his long front bang back revealing more of his beauty. I pick him up as his leg dangle between my waist.

“Ahh...” Sky moan as he wrap his skinny arm aound my neck keeping himself from falling.

With not a care in the world, I look into Sky's eyes as I sit down on the shallow water with Sky's in my lap. I want to kiss him. Fuck! I want to kiss him so bad that it'll swollen both of our lips. But something stops me. What do they call it? Guilt? How the hell did I feel this kind of things anyway?

Its him. His making me feel all this shit. I rest my forehead on his nose as I stared at his lips. I hold his waist close to my stomach making sure he feels how hard I am right now. I look up to Skyler and see that he has a confuse face on his look.

“Are you okay?” He ask as his eyes shine like the stars in the dark sky tonight.

“I don't know.” I sigh and stare out into the lake. Then, I feel his soft lips press to my cheek for a mere seconds. I look up to him and saw how his pale cheek blushes.

“'s gonna be fine.” He whisper looking down.

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